Chapter 30: Where Is Charlie Gray

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I couldn't move.

My feet were planted to the ground, cemented even. I stared up at the man standing before us, wanting nothing more than to curl up into a ball and pretend than none of this is happening. None of this is real.

"What the hell is he doing here!?" Cameron demands, standing protectively in front of me and clenching his fists at his sides.

"Cammy, please. If you could just listen--"

"LISTEN!? YOU WANT ME TO LISTEN!? THAT MONSTER NEARLY KILLED YOU!" He booms, his body shaking from the anger radiating through him.

I look at the monster behind my mother, and our eyes meet. My heart clenches as an emotion flashes before his eyes that I thought he was incapable of. An emotion that I would never let him look upon me with.

Just looking at him made me want to upchuck my lunch.

"Cameron, please calm down. He just wants to talk and--"

"Talk?" I speak up, my eyes boring holes into my mother. "You want us to talk!?"

My mother looked at me with pleading eyes. "Charlie, please I--"

"Don't, Mom. Don't you ever talk to me!" I screech, pushing past my father and taking off down the dark street. I couldn't stay there, I just couldn't.

Not with that monster looking at me, looking at Mom, looking at Cameron with something in his eyes that I thought was impossible to be there.




I was sitting in the kitchen talking to Rosa.

"Míjo, what's wrong? Something seems to be troubling you." She asked me, her eyebrows knitting together in worry.

I sigh and slump my shoulders, resting my head in my hands as my elbows were propped on the counter. "I don't know... Something just doesn't seem right."

She looks at me in confusion. "How so?"

I shake my head. "I feel like something is going to happen whether it be with Charlie, or with me. But something is happening, I can feel it."

She sighs. "Well, cariño, what do you--"

She is interrupted by the sound of our house phone ringing.

"Hello?" She picks up as I finger the apple slices Rosa set in front of me.

"SHE'S WHAT!?" She exclaims in shock, her grip on the phone tightening. My head snaps up and stares at her.

"Rosa, what's wrong?" I ask hurriedly.

No answer.

"ROSA. Is it Charlie?"

She looks at me with pitiful eyes, only making my heart clench in fear.

Something is wrong with Charlie.

"What's wrong?!" I demand, standing abruptly from the stool I was reclining on.

She sighs and hangs up the phone. "Charlie is missing."

And with that, I was walking out the door and getting into my car with one thought on my mind.

Where is Charlie Gray?



It is now raining.

How freaking convenient.

My feet slapped onto the cement as raindrop after raindrop fell onto my face, my shoulders, my arms, my legs. Next thing I knew, my whole body was soaking wet as I raced down the side of the road. I didn't even have a destination to get to. I just needed to run.

I needed to run from my father.

From my mother.

From my past.

And from the person who I was when my father had power over me.

I slowed down and bent over, letting the rain splatter onto me as I rested my hands on my knees and took deep breaths. Considering how out of breath I was, I must've run at least ten miles.

Most likely farther.

I lifted my head and looked across the street, only to see an old park and a swing set. Inhaling a deep breath, I trudge over and plop down onto the old swing, letting my hands wrap numbly around the chain holding the seat up.

I looked into the open air, staring at nothing and yet everything. I watched each and every single raindrop falling to the floor in front of me, thikning about how easy it must be to have the life of a raindrop.

You show up in a cloud.

Fall for a few seconds.

And then die.

No troubles. No sadness. No pain. No fear.

Just falling.

I wish I were a damn raindrop.

I kept staring into nothing as I heard a car door slam in the distance. Footsteps became louder as they neared my location, but I didn't care.

I was numb. I was empty.

My life was over.

Someone knelt in front of me and took my hands from the chains. I continued staring off into space as they looked up at me with worried eyes. His hair stuck to his forehead as the rain padded down onto him, and his body was soaked with water.

I look down at him, only to stare into the eyes that said so much and yet so little. He opened his lips and spoke to me with a softness I could never begin to describe.

"Where have you been, Charlie Gray?"



I know.... You hate me...

In my defense... Im the author...

Anyways, I really am having trouble making these chapters long lol i guess i am trying not to end the book hahaha i am going to miss it so much!!!!!



I Punched The Bad Boy: UNEDITEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora