Chapter 19: Pretty Boy Say What?

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"CHARLOTTE GRAY! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" I heard my mother yell from downstairs.

I swear my heart just stopped. It was very rare that my mother used that tone, and when she did, it was best to stay indoors and pray for the best. I am going to die.

I guess I'll write my will now!

"Coming!" I responded quickly.

Hesitantly, I made my way downstairs. I halted at the bottom of the steps, wondering if I should either a) face her wrath or b) make a break for the door.

Go with B if you value your life, Charlie.

Right. Good plan.

I turn to run for the door when the sound of my mothers voice halted me.

"Charlotte Josephine Gray just where do you think your going?" She asks behind me.

I freeze. And turn around to look at a very upset Lana Gray.

Dear God, she used my full name!

I give my laptop and gummy bear stash to Kyle, my clothes and bed to Lacey, my phone and room to Cammy, and to Domy I give--

"Well?" She demands, her hands on her hips.

"I--uh was just going to--uh the store... For... Some gummy... Bears..." I trail off, cowering in fear from my mothers small 5'2 frame.

Pathetic, I know, but if you were me, you'd be fearing for your life too.

"I just got a call from your principle." She says, looking at me for a reaction.

Stay calm, Charlie, you might just make it out of this alive if you act right.

"Really?" I ask, attempting to hide the fear coursing through me. "What did her say?"

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Couch. Now." She says before spinning on her heels and marching into the living room.

Oh no, not the couch!

It was a well known fact in my house that if my mom made you sit on the couch for a talk, it was highly likely you were grounded for life.

I sat down on the couch as my mother began her rant about something I did.

One time, she actually grounded Cameron till college. It went something like this:

"Cameron Michael Gray, you are in so much trouble!" My mom yelled at him.

"Why? All I did was skip one day of school!" He exclaimed, standing throwing his hands in the air. She narrowed her eyes at him, causing him to cower back down into the couch. Even when he towers over her by over a foot, he is still scared of her.

"Mrs. Gray, we are really sorry. We didn't mean to--"

"Dominic, I have a right if mind to call your mother!" She shoved a finger into Domy's chest. His eyes widen as he looks from Cam to my mom.

"Sorry, Cam. You're on your own in this one." He raises his hand in surrender.

I chuckle at the terrified expression on Cammy's face. It's amazing how mom can man handle these too dorks. And they thought being juniors would free them from mom.

Big mistake.

"C'mon mom, all I did was skip ONE day! You're over reacting!" He exclaimed.

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