Chapter 2: I Will Castrate You Faster Than A White Girl Chuggs Starbucks

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Sorry if there are any mistakes i was too lazy to edit



No. No. I will not turn around.


I put two fingers on each of my temples.


I scowl at the whiteboard with numbers and letters scribbled all over it.


I rub circles on the sides of my head and direct all my focus sternly on Mr. Smith. I already knew everything, I just needed the distraction.


I slam my hands and arms on my desk in frustration, causing Mr. Smith to spin around and look at me, along with the rest of the class. I feel my cheeks flame up, showing my internal embarrassment. Treacherous bastards.

"Is something wrong Ms. Gray?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No, sir." I respond.

"Good." He nods, before turning and resuming the lesson. I sink further into my chair, hoping it can envelope me.


Oh. My. Freaking. Gosh.

Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke.

I spin around and glare at Jake behind me, who jumps back with a pencil in his hand, directed toward me.

Ha! I caught you red handed you sneaky jack wagon.

"What?" I snap in a whisper voice.

"Do you know the answer to number seventeen?" He whispers back.

Why, yes I do know it. I am just not going to tell you 'cause you pissed me off you annoying jerk!

"Sorry, you're out of luck buddy." I respond, turning to face the front of the class once more. Why do I feel I call him that a lot?

"C'mon please? I know you know the answer. I watched you go through and do all the questions within the first twenty minutes!" He says to my ear. I grin, feeling victorious with the idea that I have something that he wants and can't get. "Are you the class topper?"

I turn my head to speak to him.

"Get lost buddy." I say with a maniacal grin.

I hear him grumble and put my fist in my mouth to stifle a laugh. Had I known what he was going to do, I would've given him the answer.

"Mr. Smith?"

I freeze.

Oh no. No, no, no, no!

"Yes Jake?" The teacher asks, turning to face the class.

"I don't understand this. Could you have someone explain it to me?" He asks innocently to the teacher.

I'm going to kill him.

"Yes. We can have our class topper explain it to you in the library." Mr. Smith responds. He looks at me and my heart sinks in defeat. "Charlotte," Oh, so he uses Jake's nickname but he can't use mine? Jeez, favoritism much? "can you please take him to the library and explain these to him?"

I grumble and take a deep breath. "Yes, Mr. Smith." I say reluctantly. Jake, the annoying jerkface, stands and walks to the front of the side of my desk. "You coming?" He asked with a not-so-innocent smile on his face. What I would give to wipe that pretty little smirk off your ever so handsome face. Wait, did I just say his face was handsome? Ew! Ew! Ew! Go away perverted thoughts!

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