Then I thought for a moment. Why am I punishing her for what they did? What difference is there between me and them? I questioned myself and at that moment, I decided that I will never hurt her ever again.

I parted my lips and spoke for the first time in one year, I'll protect you always, little sister." Keir gave a half smile, looking lost.

Selene felt her eyes moistened listening to the torment he had gone through. She placed a hand on his thigh and patted in support.

"You stood by your word, Keir. You protected her." She tried to cheer him up.

He shook his head with a sad smile, "That's where I was wrong." He sighed and continued, "Next few years were a delight after the grief we had been through. I thought I moved past my grief. I thought I got better, but I was wrong. I never forgot what happened that night. It was there, deep in my mind.

I was thirteen when I started having nightmares at night. The things that I thought I forgot came back since I know what's murder and what's rape by then. Slowly it became more clear of what happened to my family. I was in shock again but this time it was more malignant than the last time.

One night I woke up to our dog barking, I still remember that night, Brute wouldn't shut up. It went on and on for an hour. I walked out of my room and got down to Brute's kennel. I looked into his eyes and I killed him. Just like that." He stopped, the silence that followed was deafening.

Selene's breath quickened. She gulped trying not to indulge too much into his grief or she would end up carrying a burden that is not her responsibility.

"And after that it was all chaos. The feeling was surreal and the rush was addictive. I started getting into fights, hurting my peers. I didn't want to, I desired to. At first I thought it was temporary, a way to deal with my grief but slowly my urges were turning darker. I was scared that I would hurt my family next.

The only thing that they needed to be protected from was me. So I went off to a boarding school. It was tough, I was a lone kid. No one talked to me, they were scared to mess with me. This went on for a few years and then I joined college. The freedom was sudden and overwhelming. It was then that I knew I can torture humans and kill them. And that I find solace in it." He scoffed to himself. He looked frustrated.

"And then I never stopped, I was a notorious serial killer quicker than I knew." He laughed drily.

"How come your family never knew?" Selene asked, even though she had hunch how that was possible.

"I never gave them a chance to see me like this. The only time I was caught was the cop massacre, lucky for me the news never made it into their ears."

"What about the other murders?" Selene asked. He must have killed approximately ten or more before that incident.

"You know how I kill, Selene. No bodies-"

"No murder." Selene completed the line for him, gulping the growing discomfort in her neck.

He nodded, "There is no actual evidence to connect me to the murders. No one knows how an Angel wings killer looks like. Well, not the general people anyway." He shrugged.

Selene heart thumped, when he suggested that the intelligence agencies, like in which Selene works might know what he looks like.

"It's a good thing right? You kill criminals and protect women." She tried to lighten the situation.

He raised an eyebrow at her a little amused, "What makes you think, I never killed women?"

Blood left from her face, instinctively she leaned back which did not go unnoticed by him.

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