meeting Trancy

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(In the Phantomhive manor)

"Kira, Sebastian." Ciel demanded us to come to him.

"Yes, my Lord?" Sebastian asked.

"Trancy's here. Bring us tea and sweets." We nodded and went to the kitchen to get it.

Sebastian made the tea and I quickly made the treats.

"This is a green tea with honey and a bit of lemon." (A/N NO, it's not earl grey. And Ciel obviously has NO problems with that.)

"And chocolate cake with extra chocolate on top." I finished with a fake smile. I felt Sebastian's eyes on my face.

Then the blonde kid spoke: "hey, who are you? I haven't seen you here before. I'm Alois Trancy!" I smiled politely at him, but not looking him straight in the eye: "I'm Kira. Kira Thompson. Ciel's personal maid." I introduced myself.

"My my, Ciel. You have a pretty girl watching over you!" I blushed. "Can't say the same of your butler though..." the golden eyed butler murmured. I raised an eyebrow at the clear rivalry. Sebastian glared at Alois and Claude. Ciel nodded.

"Ciel, you never learnt your butler not to glare at your guests?" Alois huffed.

Then, he spilled some tea. On purpose, I think, so I went to clean it up.

As I knelt down next to Alois, he asked me: "why do you wear a sword around your waist?"

"I'm also kind of Ciel's bodyguard, sir Trancy." I said, getting up, slightly bowing and going back to my spot next to Sebastian.

"Hah! You, a bodyguard?" The kid started laughing: "won't you hurt yourself with that?" He mocked me.

"I'm pretty sure I know the basics, Lord Trancy." Sebastian grinned: "Kira knows more than just the basics. Care to see?"

I nodded, then widened my eyes, realizing what he just asked at our guests.

"Sure! Claude! Get ready to beat this girl!" The Trancy kid yelled over-enthusiastically.

(Moments later)

"Go, Claude!" Alois cheered for his butler.

"I know you can do this, Kira. You almost beat me." Sebastian grinned.

"Yes, Sebby. Almost." I said annoyed. Sebastian rolled his eyes.

We were outside now. Ready to fight.

Me and Claude both got into fighting stances. Both with swords in our hands.

"Let's start, shall we? I'll start easy on you." Claude grinned. I narrowed my eyes.

Okay, I may be only 5 feet tall, weigh 42 kilos, be a girl. That doesn't mean you've got to be easygoing on me!

I decided to use that as a tactic in this fight. Start off easy, let him think he'll win easy, then attack forcefully.

At first, 'I made mistakes'. Like slow reactions and stuff. You should've seen Sebastian's face at my sloppy moves! And Ciel didn't seem so pleased either.

When Claude thought he'd win easy, I began fighting back. Using my, for a CreepyPasta girl, abnormal speed and strength.

In a few, I had him where I wanted him: face-first on the ground, in the mud. I saw Sebby chuckle at Claude.

"Why don't you join the Trancy household? We'll be having lots of fun!" Alois clapped his hands.

I put my sword back on my waist: "I'm sorry, sir Trancy, but I'm very happy here." I took a glance at Sebastian and blushed a bit.

Now, Trancy looked angry, then calm again, then mischievous.

And that in 3 seconds, ladies.

He began crying a bit: "b-but Kira! I-I... PLEASE come with us! I'd love you too come with us to the Trancy manor!" He hugged me. Crying.

Okay... I'm not good with crying people.

I shot a 'oh-no-I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-a-crying-kid' look at Ciel and Sebastian as I hesitantly laid my arms around the crying boy.

"I'm terribly sorry, Trancy, but Kira isn't going anywhere." I could just imagine Sebby smirking while he said that.

Alois then angrily wiped his tears away: "she will she will be my servant!" He then furiously stomped away towards the manor. A glaring Claude following him.

"Oh, Claude. You're just annoyed by the fact that you lost a fight... against a girl." Sebastian grinned. Claude hissed and went back inside the manor.

*Do they hate each other?* I asked Sebby through his mind, which caused him to abruptly stop walking.


*yeah, I can talk to people through my mind. If you now think an answer, I can read it. Your mind, I mean.*

Sebastian looked shocked: "hmmm. What a nice gift." *they want revenge. For the death of their parents. Claude and me are both demon butlers. It's a fact that we hate each other. That stupid spider...* he thought.

*SPIDER?! -shudder- I hate spiders.* Sebastian chuckled.

*why are they here, then?*


*if you both hate each other, why did they visit?*

*they want to get us to trust them and vice versa. Then we can get an easy revenge.*

We said, on our way back to the mansion.

"We're leaving." Alois mentioned once we were inside the mansion. Sebastian nodded a goodbye and I bowed towards them: "goodbye and have a safe trip, sir Trancy. Claude." Alois whispered something to Claude. Claude nodded with a smirk on his face.

Let me tell you something:

I DON'T. like. that smirk. On. His. Face.

It creeped me out.

*hmmm, what is he up to?* I heard Sebastian think.

you literally fell from heaven (black butler)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora