hiding kittens, figuring people out and teasing

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I went back inside, happy with the rose.

Then I bumped into Ciel: "oh, I'm sorry, Ciel. I wasn't looking where I was going..." at first he looked angry that I bumped into him, but then he relaxed: "it's okay." I thanked him with a smile.

"... but Kira. Tell me..." I nodded as for him to continue.

"Where did you get that rose? Those don't grow here..." he asked.

"Oh. Sebby gave it to me." I answered, touching the rose in my hair.

"... Sebby... ?"

"Yes, Sebastian. I thought he needed a nickname. His name is pretty long."

Ciel nodded. Did he look... slightly irritated?

Hmm... I must've imagined that.

"Well, I'm off to bed. I'm pretty tired after the fight." I yawned.

"Fight?" Ciel asked.

"Yeah, Sebastian helped me checking my new sword out... he won..." I scrunched my nose at the last part.

"You... bought... a sword... ?"

"Yes. We made a contract, remember? I'd help you and stuff... well... I'm used to a sword as weapon. Same thing for knives and daggers." I explained and then I yawned again. Not being able to keep it in.

"Go. Kira, you'll need your energy for tomorrow." I nodded and turned around. Ciel laid a hand on my shoulder and I froze.

"Your room is the other way. I'll walk you to it." He said as he took my wrist to send me in the right direction, then quickly let go.

We walked in silence for a while, until he tried to start a conversation: "so... you're starting work tomorrow. There's an outfit in your closet."

"How-" I began to ask, but he cut me off: "I told Sebastian to get you an outfit. And he knows your measurements, because he heard it when you said them in the shop where you bought the dresses." He explained. I blushed and my eyes glowed: "how could he have heard that?"

"He's a demon. He has a very good hearing system..." Ciel said.

"Oh. okay." I said, noticing that we were in front of my bedroom door.

"Well... goodnight, Ciel." I said as I opened the door.

"Goodnight, Kira."

The kitten meowed. Oh sh#t!

Ciel had a confused look an his face: "Kira what was th-"

"OH LOOK AT THE TIME! SO LATE ALREADY?! I'M TIRED! *YAWN* I SHOULD REALLY GO TO BED AND SLEEP THEN. BYE CIEL!" I almost yelled as I leapt into my room and shut the door in his face.

I pressed my back against the door and sat down, sighing. "That... was VERY close..." the kitten meowed again as it jumped into my arms and cuddled. I hugged it close to my face.

I then changed into a night gown and laid the kitten next to me. The kitten fell asleep almost immediately as I laid there. Not able to sleep.

After a few long hours, I felt myself drifting off in a dreamless sleep.

Ciel's pov.

My eyes widened as she shut the door in my face. What's going on?

I decided to let it slide and sighed as I thought of the work I still had to do.

"You are an interesting person, Kira..." I mumbled: "I wonder which piece of chess you are."

I walked towards my study.

A few hours later

I'm sitting here, working. Or let be rephrase it: I should've been working. I just sat here the whole time, trying to figure my new chess piece out.

What would she be? A knight? No. Sebastian's a knight already. Plus she's only a girl.

Hmmm... maybe... !

She could be... my queen... ?

But I've seen the way that Damn demon looks at her.

Oh well, I could just order him to stay away from her.

After a while, I drifted to sleep. Still trying to figure her out.

~ le time skip to the morning ~

I was awoken by...

Not Sebastian this time. It was Kira and she was slightly blushing: "master, you fell asleep while working last night..."

"Kira. I told you to call me Ciel before. This time, it's an order." I said, still a bit sleepy. She quickly nodded: "yes... Ciel."

"That's better."

"Ciel, Sebastian is preparing breakfast." I nodded and we went downstairs.

"Bon appetite. Ciel." She said once I sat at the table.

"Which drink would you like with your breakfast?" Sebastian asked.

"Earl grey." I saw that Kira was acting nervous, so when Sebastian left with a: "yes, young master." I asked her to sit with me. I now saw the new sword she bought and carried at her waist. It wasn't hidden or anything, I just haven't noticed earlier.

"Lady Kira. Is something wrong? You seem rather nervous..." I asked her.

"N-no, Ciel. It's nothing." She nervously combed her fingers through a lock of her straight, raven hair.

Then she looked down, which caused her hair to fall in her face and I carefully reached out to put the lock in place again. She blushed once more.

"Here's your tea, young master. Anything else?" Sebastian placed the tea in front of me with a glare and glowing eyes as I grinned at him: "no. You can go."

Mission accomplished

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