CreepyPasta dimension

2.7K 137 13

If I'd publish a Snake X Reader, would you read it? Pleaseeeee?

We. Hit. 10.7 k.
How is that even possible?
Well... That's all thanks to you guys!
Soooooo... thank you all do much!

Anyways... On with the story

Kira's Pov.
BEN pixelated us into the Slender Mansion.. I let go of Sebby's and BEN's hands and informed Sebby: "This is my home. Please do watch out.. It's full of immortal killers like me." I added a grin, happy to be home again. Even though it was just for a while.

Sebastian nodded and grinned back slightly: "Of course, Milady."

I heard Masky and Hoodie and tiptoed to the kitchen: "Have you guys left me some cheesecake?" I asked, grinning again.

Hoodie's fork fell out of his mouth, which caused me to let out a chuckle and hug him: "Heheh, you're that surprised to see me?" I joked.
Hoodie's Bro Masky even set his plate of cheesecake to the side and joined the hug.

After a, probably awkward for Sebby, hug moment (BEN joined in), we heard another voice: "Who is this guy?"

"Jeff! Bro!" I yelled happily. I hadn't seen the smiling killer in a long time! Said Killer was glaring at Sebby and Sebby was smirking back devilishly. I sighed.

"Kira?" Jeff asked, turning his gaze to my form: "Geesh.. I thought you'd just leave us behind and never visit again thanx to BEN.." He rolled his eyes, looking at BEN, to which BEN shuffled awkwardly.

"Idiot.. I wouldn't leave you guys.. Without visiting!" I quickly added.

"Wait... So you are going to leave us?" Jeff quickly figured out. I nodded as a short response: "I want to tell the others too... Soon..."

Jeff suddenly got serious again: "But really.. Who is this guy?" He asked, nodig towards Sebastian.

Sebastian answered: "I am the butler of the Phantomhive manor. Pleasure to meet you all." With a sly smirk and a light bow.

Suddenly I got hug-attacked: "K-Kira! Y-You're back!"

I giggled: "Yeah, Toby! I'm back!"

"YaY! No frozen waffles anymore!" As a reaction to this comment, I gave him a chop on the head.
He chuckled: "J-Just K-Kidding!"
I smiled at him: "You better be just kidding!"

Suddenly I heard... Someone play CoD in the living room.

I went to take a look, my friends behind me. I saw EJ sitting on the couch: "Kill.. Headshot... Kill.. Kill.. Hmm... Hide.." He was concentrated, so I gave him a surprise attack aka glitch in the game, making him die instantly.

"Dammit, BEN. If you wanted to play, you could've just aske-" EJ turned around with a pissed look on his face, but stopped mid-sentence.

"Hey! You forgot there are two game glitches in the Mansion?" I grinned.

"Hey, Kira." He said, his non-existing eyes glued to the screen.

I rolled my eyes and went to Slender's office.

Sebby being Sebby, knocked on the door and when he heard a: "Come in, Child." He opened it for me.

I peeked into his office: "Hi Slender.. !"

"I see you're back. How was your trip? Well.. I know it wasn't voluntairy, I hope the boys have apologized already?" He told me.

My eye twitched: "BEN said it was a prank, but he didn't say there were multiple people involved..."

Slender sighed: "Let's take this to the living room."
Then he noticed Sebastian, who was holding a poker face: "Hello, Child, who might you be?"

Sebastian let out a chuckle: "It's been quite a while since someone has called me Child.. I am Sebastian Michaelis, Butler of the Phantomhive Manor. Pleasure to meet you."

Slender introduced himself: "My name's Slenderman, but call me Slender."

I informed Sebastian: *Slender is the our Boss. If I want to return with you, I need his permission. Jeff is a serial killer, who kills using kitchen knives. Masky, Hoodie and Toby are Slender's proxies or helpers. They Murder people for him. BEN is a glitch, like me. That's how we got into your world and how we brought you with us. EJ is short for Eyeless Jack. He murders people with a scalpel and eats their kidneys, so Yes he's a cannibal. LJ, you're going to meet him in a few, is a monochrome clown who lures children with poisoned candy and murders them after. Sally is eight and a real sweetie, even though she's a killer too. Most of us have died.*

Sebastian nodded, still wearing the poker face.

I chuckled: "I see you're taking this very well, Sebby."

He smiled at me: "What kind of butler would I be if I couldn't process this?"

I smiled: "Indeed... Not a Phantomhive butler."

you literally fell from heaven (black butler)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें