too bad...

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"Too bad he killed my parents..." Ciel mumbled and as he brought the sword down, Claude ran up to him to grab it.

Which caused Ciel to bitch-slap Claude in the face and Claude to get one of his blood fetish reaction thingies.


Pants. Claude's gonna need a new pair of them...

"Alois! Are you alright?!" I panicked slightly. He laid there in a pool of blood.

Sebastian went to grab Ciel, so he shoved me to his back piggyback style.

He then ran out of the Trancy manor.

"Kira, would you spare someone who killed your parents and kidnapped your girlfriend?" Ciel asked.

"Girlfriend?" I asked confused. A blush crept to his face: "yeah, as in... uh... girly friend. Friend who is a girl, you know?"

"Oh, okay. And to answer your question, Ciel. I'm not the right person to ask this question, I think..." I said, looking down.

Ciel raised an eyebrow.

"You see, my dad passed away because of cancer and I killed my mother..." I sighed. Ciel's visible eye widened: "... I'm... I'm sorry you hear that..."

I plastered a fake smile on my face: "don't mind!" I said in a happy tone.

"... Ciel?"

"Yes, Kira?"

"Will Alois be okay?" I almost whispered.

"Do you really think Claude will let him die? He's probably starving..." Sebastian spoke.

"Mhm..." I nodded and looked down. I hope he'll be alright... I really care about him, you know.

Ciel and Sebby continued talking, but I fell asleep as I listened to Sebastian's calm breathing...
~ le time skip, brought to you by a pink Jeff The Killer~

"...a... l...y... ira..." what?

"Lady Kira?" I heard Sebastian's voice pretty clear now.

"Sebastian... ?" He sat down next to me on a chair in my room as I laid on the bed.

"Huh? What? How?" I was dumbfounded. I didn't remember changing into a long nightgown (mostly I wear short, mid-thigh nightgowns) nor did I remember getting into bed... ?

"Kira. I brought you to your room because you fell asleep. I changed you into the nightgown and tucked you in." Sebby told me. A blush crept to my face at the 'i changed you into that nightgown' part... He noticed and smirked, leaning down: "don't worry, miss. I had my eyes closed..." He whispered in my ear. It sent a shiver down my spine.

He then smirked and softly brushed his lips against mine: "how was your stay at the Trancy manor, Kira?"

"V-Very n-nice, Sebastian." I mumbled.

"Missed me?" He teased.

"Y-yeah..." my cheeks were becoming redder.

"I missed you too, Milady." He kissed me and my heart fluttered as I closed my eyes.

I opened my mouth slightly, letting him in as my arms curled around his neck. His arms found their way around my waist as he pulled me closer.

He then let go for a moment: "I really missed you, Kira. I'm glad you're back." He said, his voice husky. I nodded and pulled him back for another kiss.

*if a demon can't love... then what is this feeling?* I heard Sebastian think.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear.

"I... I think I love you too." He whispered back.

you literally fell from heaven (black butler)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora