Kylers voice quieted, " The troopers slammed her body onto a long, brown, reclined chair. They strapped her hands and feet onto the chair with metal bars that looked like giant handcuffs. As they tied her hands down, I remember seeing a tall figure come near her. He had a long white trench coat, gloves and a notepad in his hand. He lifted the girl's shaky arm and held up a needle that he pulled from his pocket, injecting a liquid into her forearm. Her screams suddenly silenced and she seemed to go limp. The man then lifted her neck, and placed a strap over her forehead, stabilizing her head into the chair. The man then placed tiny pads that hooked up to a giant electric machine on her forehead. A swarm of doctor- like figures began to enter the room. As the girl laid, the man picked up a pen and a notepad, and began to ask her some questions. He asked her what her name was...if I recall, she said it was Lyndsi. He then asked her who she worked for...she said no one. Lastly he asked her if she was under their control. She looked into the figure's eye with a cold stare, puckered her lips, and spit in his face, sternly saying no."

"I then remembered the man, becoming angry. Very angry. He ordered the doctors around to begin the experiment and they quickly followed his orders. They flicked on the machine that was hooked onto the pads that laid on her forehead. Immediately I saw bursts of electricity flow through the wires. Her eyes widened and a gut wrenching scream shot out her body. That scream..." Kylers voice trembled as he paused and took a breath, "...I will never forget that scream. It was truly horrifying. The electric currents shot into her head, over and over again. Her eyes rolled back so far, it looked like her pupils were stuck behind her head. Her body twitched and spazzed as the currents flowed through into her brain. I could only imagine the pain she felt..."

Every word that Kyler spoke sent chills down my spine. My heart began to race nervously as my palms felt clammy. It felt like my insides were going to explode...I felt so sick.I was horrified. I couldn't digest the fact that Detra gov was doing things like this to kids! What bothered me the most, If I'm found...they might do the same to me.

I glanced over at Dominic. He balled his fingers into his palm and tightly clenched his fists. He took deep breaths...trying to control himself. He looked like he was going to spit out in anger any second.

I thought I'd seen every emotion of Dominic Jones...but I guess I was wrong. The emotion he showed was a different type of anger, though maybe it wasn't anger at all. It was vengeance.

Everyone's eyes were wide, their attention grabbed by Kyler as he began to speak, " The experiment continued for a few hours... the doctors flipping the machines switch on and off, jotting down things in their little notepads as the test continued. Every now and then they would ask her the same questions as before...though she was drained and defeated...she always replied with the same answers. That her name was Lyndsi, she worked for no one, and she wasn't under their control. After she would answer, the doctors would turn the machine back on, and she would begin to scream again. I couldn't do it...I couldn't handle listening to her sickening scream over and over again...but I did. After a while the screaming seized. I peeked through the window, and watched as the doctors lifted her seat, and untied her from the straps. She looked if all the life had been sucked out of her soul and thrown away. Her skin was normally olive, but now was a ghostly white. Her bright green eyes turned dull with a deathly, emotionless stare that sent chills down my spine. Again, the man asked the girl the same questions. 'What's your name?' He said. Her gaze remained in front of her, as her quiet, trembling voice replied, 'I...I don't know." Then the man asked who she worked for... and she said Detra. Finally he asked if she was under Detras control. And then she said it. The words I hoped she wouldn't say. "Yes," she said. She finally gave in...they finally controlled her like they hoped they would. I don't know what they did to her brain...but her thoughts were no longer her own. It was absolutely horrifying."

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