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"If we don't fucking hurry up and figure this out who knows what that sick fuck is going to do with Maze!" I shouted at Hancock as he sat at the table casually smoking a cigarette.

Picking his hat up off his head and placing it down on the table he said "That's two for the swear jar kid." Remembering my promise to Duncan I tried to pull back my anger. "What would you have me do MacCready? She's in the brotherhood of steals place. We try to get in there without a solid plan we're cooked. Burnt toast. Ya dig?"

"It's been weeks of us sitting here twiddling thumbs and nothing to show for it. She probably thinks we don't give a rats.. behind about her now."

"You think I've got nothing?!" Hancock laughed. "Why don't you go have a drink and cool your jets. In the morning meet me back in my office and I'll show you the plan. Try not to pop a kid kid. You only knew her for one night".

He ushered me out the door and towards the third rail. He was right though. I hardly knew her. Despite the time it felt like I knew her my whole life. It might sound ridiculous but she's the one. And I still needed her help to get the cure.

"I'll be damned if I let him keep me from saving my son" I whispered to myself.

"What was that?" Charlie asked as he polished another glass.

"Nothing. I'll take another" I said as I downed the rest of my whiskey.

Suddenly a man came running down the stairs and up to the bar looking frazzled. "Do you know where I can find a MacCready?!" He shouted at Charlie in a panic.

Turning to him I said "that would be me. What can I do for you? And no, I don't do any favors for free".

He grabbed me by the shoulders and said "it's about Maze. She needs you"

Except for her. I'd do a free favor for her.

My heart dropped and I pulled the man to the VIP room in the back.

"I don't have much information for you. She came to me with one of the metal heads from the brotherhood. She didn't remember me at first. Danse, I think that's his name, said there was an incident and she lost her memory. We made a trade agreement while she was looking around the shop."

"She didn't remember?! Did she look okay?" I started to panic and my mind racing wondering what he's done to her.

"She looked okay. I think something in the shop brought her memory back. As they were leaving she hugged me and whispered in my ear that Danse was lying and she wasn't safe. She told me to find you. Tell you to meet her in sanctuary in two days by the river. That's all I have." He finished his story and looked as though he was giving me a once over.

"Thank you for finding me" I said as I started to gather myself and head for the door.

"One thing my friend" he said. "Are you the reason she wanted to go back to GN and never leave?" He looked like my answer may hurt him.

"To be honest.." pausing realizing I didn't know his name. Reading my mind he answered"Arturo".

"To be honest Arturo I am not. We had just met the night she came back into town. She told me she just really liked the city. Was a good change from the stuck up pricks over in Diamond. I am just a hired gun"

He looked relieved to hear my answer. Had they been an item too? Why am I always so jealous when it comes to her. "When you see her tell her not to forget about me and that her dog is safe and waiting for her" he waved me goodbye as I headed up the stairs to the exit.

"She had a dog? Duncan's always wanted a dog". I thought to myself.

Next stop: Sanctuary.

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