She made it.

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"You hear Blue made her way to our little shanty town finally?" A drifter said as he sat down at the bar next to me. "She came and started making deals with the shops and Hancock. Seems she's wrapping people around her finger pretty easily."

"You mean that second blue that made it out? She's here?" I asked. I'll admit I felt some excitement knowing she was close by. All the talk about her has made it hard to shake thoughts of her out of my mind. She could help me get Duncan's cure.

"Yeah diamond city wants to start dealing with us. Behind the mayors back of course. She's actually helping us out a bit. She even helped Hancock clear our some warehouses around here. I don't mind having her on our side one bit. Even if that means she's got me wrapped too" he laughed as he took a swig of beer. "She is a sexy little thing too. She could do whatever she wanted to me. Probably rob me after and I wouldn't even care. Think she's already sleeping with Hancock though. He doesn't share well".

Hancock was right when he said people liked to talk here. Especially to me. I don't know what it is about me that makes them spew their entire brain to me but it's helped get some information.

"Charlie, another beer for him on me. Thanks for letting me know she's here. Catch you around" I said as I stood up to go find her.

I walked around town for a minute but didn't see her out. Thought I better head to Hancock and talk to him about her.

"Yeah she was here alright. She's a fun girl if ya feel me man" he said winking at me. "I like a girl that doesn't care about much other than money and sex. I get that vibe from her. She left though. Back to the city for now. She seems to hate the other blue. But she's not planning on taking him out. You don't gotta worry about her Mac. Just go back to spying. I got her handled."

Something about the way he talked about her made me angry. I didn't say anything to him but just got up and left to my apartment. Am I jealous of him? I haven't even met her yet and my minds racing with her.

Let her go Mac. She's not yours. You don't even know her.

Pitter Patter. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن