No Synths Allowed.

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Whatever. Whoever that thing was. He wasn't all that intelligent. Lucky for me I was in a good spot and had a Destroyed apartment building next to me. I was small enough to crawl up a hole in the ceiling and hide.

I knew that if that thing was what I think it was, and I'm thinking a mini nuke, that I didn't really stand a chance. Maybe he'll go away.

He didn't turn down the alley I was hiding in but kept walking straight. Some vicious looking mutts came running out of an adjacent ally and right toward the green man.

You fool dog. You're about to be dust.

Sure enough it was. I ducked and covered best I could to avoid the blast. I had to be irradiated now. But this whole worlds full of radiation. What does that even mean for my health?

The city isn't what I remembered and I'm struggling pretty hard trying to figure out where the hell this 'diamond city' is. Then I saw a sign.

No like I really saw I sign. It said "Diamond city this way"

Thank fucking god I don't have to walk in circles anymore.

I managed to following the signs around to the city and when I got to the gate and looked up at the massive structure I felt like a giant idiot.

How did I not fucking realize diamond city was the old baseball field. Is my brain still frozen?

I managed to sweet talk the gate guards into letting me into the city. Said I had a lot of chems to sell that a doctor could use. It seemed a little too easy to get in but I didn't have the time to question it.

I walked down the steps and took in this massive city. A market, actual stores, kids running around, a school house, food, beer. Who knew there'd still be such normality.

Now it was time to find my place.

"Who the fuck are you? No Synths! Get out of here brat". This bitch...

I clenched my first and got ready to knock her in her place when a man came up next to me grabbed my hand to shake it distracting me from her.

"Ayyy Myrna easy on the fresh meat. She's here to help. I've heard she's basically got a warehouse full of supplies" he said side eyeing her and smiling at me. He had a bit of an accent, black hair, and a small bit of facial hair. He actually looked like someone I could mess around with and I felt myself start to heat up a bit at the thought.

"Myrna." I said in a stern but friendly tone. "I'm maze. I don't know what a 'synth' is but I am just here for trade and work. If you've got a shop I'm sure we're going to get pretty acquainted."

I reached my hand out for her to shake but she didn't reach out and just scoffed at me. "That's exactly what A synth would say! If you're not one of them you're probably just another gunner trying an inside job. I want NOTHING to do with you girl" and with that she stormed away to her little stand.

"Sorry about her, Maze was it? Short for amazing?" He said laughing. I wanted to roll my eyes and smack him for that BS line. But I need friends right now.

"Thanks for stepping in there. I'd probably of knocked her out if you didn't. And then I'd be right back where I started." I sat down on a stool next to one of the counters in the center of the market.

"Let me guess. You're that second blue everyone's talking about. You have no home. No money. And you're in need of some help." He side sitting down with me and passing over a beer.

"That obvious I'm a former vault dweller hu?" I took a swig of the beer and it was surprisingly cold.

"Yeah it's pretty obvious. I'm always here to trade with you Maze. But I also have some work in mind if you're interested?" He asked raising a brow.

"I think you know the answer to that."

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