The man in the corner.

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It wasn't hard getting GN on my side. Even easier to get that mayor in bed with me. He may be a ghoul but he's got a damn sexy air about him. First experience sleeping with one and I actually enjoyed it. I'm sure I'll be back for more of him. I didn't tell Arturo though because he'd probably get pissy about that.

The vendors there were pretty easy too. Daisy needed my help with some super mutants and once she was on my side everyone else was too.

GN wasn't the prettiest town but I find myself dying to go back. Told Arturo I'd go anytime he needed me to and I've been anxiously waiting for him to throw me a cola and tell me to head. I didn't get to explore much of the town last time, it was all business. I'm going to go today. I'll tell Arturo I'm bored here and take off. I don't need to wait for him.

When I told Arturo I wanted to go he seemed suspicious. Asking who the dude was that I'm shacking up with now and if we were only going to be friends now.

"Don't worry baby, I'll always come back to you" I said with a giggle and kissing him goodbye.

Once I reached GN I made sure to rent a room at the hotel so I'd have somewhere to stumble into tonight other than the mayors office. I went up to my room for the night and threw some stuff down next to the bed. Taking my armor off for now so I could wear my going out clothes. My old tight wrapped shirt and skinny jeans that I had set out of sanctuary in.

I headed down to go to the bar and Hancock was waiting in the lobby for me. He heard I was here fast. He had a shit eating grin on his face when our eyes met and tipped his hat at me.

"Hello gorgeous, couldn't stay away from me could ya?" He said wrapping his arm around me.

"I actually just came to get a feel for GN. Didn't get to see much last time. Was headed to the third rail actually" I said as I tried to pull away a little so I could go.

"Sounds like a good time. You can count me in. I just gotta take care of some mayor duties and I'll be down there in an hour or so. Tell Charlie I said drinks for you are on the house." and he walked me out the door. Hancocks being a little clingy. No thanks dude. No thanks.

The third rail was a pretty typical bar. Drifters and low life's everywhere. A woman singing on stage in a sexy little red dress. And a robot tending bar that I'm assuming is Charlie.

One man was catching my eye though. He was sitting off at a table in a dark corner. Wearing a ragged duster and a cap on top his head. He didn't seem to take his eyes off of me the second I walked down the stairs. He just lit a cigarette and watched me. Normally a man watching me that closely would make me feel anxious and paranoid. But something about him filled me with excitement and... heat?

I sat up at the bar and got a whiskey from Charlie. I kept my eyes on the man in the corner watching me. Then two gunner type men came sauntering up to him and the headed to a back room of the bar labeled 'VIP'.

"Who are those men?" I asked Charlie pointing over at them as they headed into the back.

"Well the fellow that was here smoking is MacCready. He's just a hired Merc that hangs around here for work. Don't really know much about those other two though. Probably old friends of his" he said as he cleaned some glasses.

Something about the situation felt off. I didn't like the way those men were talking to him and keeping their hands on the grip of their pistols ready to draw. I took the final sip of my whiskey, grabbed my pack of cigs and headed over.

I didn't go all the way in. Stayed at the entrance listening to them talk. I leaned against the wall watching and lit a cigarette.

MacCready seemed to think I was with them. Called me their girlfriend.

I'm here to see you.

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