Blue number 2

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My new place wasn't a complete hole. I'd give Hancock that. It had a bed, a stove, a fridge, and a bathroom. Honestly pretty luxurious compared to what I'm used to. But it was all cramped in a fairly tight space.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

I have had to repeat that to myself a few times now. Sitting around and getting people to talk in GN is about as much fun as it sounds. But at least I drink for free now, and at least I'm making some caps. For him.

People haven't been saying a whole lot about this vault dweller. Mostly just talking about the heroic things he's done and the people he keeps saving. He's got settlements built up pretty much everywhere in the commonwealth now. He's taken out some pretty big names too. Even had a little adventure here with Kent. Dressed up as some character called the shroud or something?

I don't know. After a while it all started sounding the same. Blue was building a name for himself and a reputation. Out here that's the opposite of what you want. The more heads you turn, the more plots against you there are.

I've caught myself daydreaming about stealing his caps here and there. I know he's got to have a lot. But he's not worth getting on Hancocks bad side. Not right now. Not when I'm so close.

I was sitting up at the bar listening to magnolia sing when a couple drifters made their way in and sat down at a table behind me. I've gotten pretty good at keeping an ear on someone else's conversation now.

"She seems like she'd be a better fit for the gunners." One said taking a swig. "Or giving that Tessa over in Quincy a run for her money. Not hanging with the minutemen."

"I heard she was tiny though. Deathclaw could eat her without having to chew. I think those boys must of been exaggerating about her. Cushion the blow of being scared off by a midget girl." The other drifter laughed and signaled Charlie for another round.

Who are they talking about?

"Still seems wild two people made it out of them frozen pods. Frozen for over two hundred years! That's gotta have some kinda effect on em. And they don't even look like ghouls." 

"Well she seems to be in good shape. Shaking those two shit heads and heading to diamond city on her own. I'd like to get familiar with her if ya know what I'm talking about" and they clanked their beers to that.

Another vault dweller out there. Another blue. And she can handle her own. She might be a good hire...

I got up and headed for the door. Hancock will probably wanna year about her if he hasn't already.

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