Steady as She Goes.

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I stood in front of what was my home yesterday. Well I guess not yesterday. Not really. My beautiful home at the end of the road in sanctuary. It once stood tall but now it's a pile of debris on top a cracked foundation.

Nate hadn't followed me out the door and I'm glad he didn't. I know his type, and he's not the type to chase after someone. Neither am I. But Preston I think heard me yell and saw me take off running. He is the type to chase after someone, and that he did.

As he jogged up to my side he said "was this your place?" With a tone that was sad but implied he knew the pain of a destroyed home.

"It was once. And now it's... it's this!" I waved my hands around at the pile of shit. "I got nothing. I don't even know where to start to make it here. Bottle caps as currency? This world is something else now. Wait. How long has it been since the bombs fell?" I said as I turned to Preston. I realized I had no idea how long I'd been frozen.

"Hmm. Probably about 210 years. Somewhere around there. You're lucky though. Most people that were around pre war are ghouls now. You're still beautiful" he smiled at me.

"Ghoul? What's a ghoul?" I tilted my head in curiosity.

"You'll see soon. So you and Nate hu?" Ah shit. I didn't want to talk about that.

"Thing of the past. A mistake of the past" I glared back towards his house. The prick.

"What's your plan now then?" He started to step a little closer noticing my anger start to tone down.

I hadn't thought about a plan really. All I know is I needed to get out of sanctuary hills and away from Nate. "I don't know yet. Haven't made a plan. But I know I'm leaving. I just need to find some supplies to keep me alive. And probably learn what supplies that would be" I turned to him hoping for some bit of advice.

"You know our settlements could always use your help. There's always some caps involved too. If you're lucky food or a new weapon" he motioned toward the farming area they had set up. I could tell he wanted me to stay. This wouldn't be the first time a man wanted me to stay and I wanted nothing but to run.

"I'm not much of the helping other people out type. I need to find my own way. Thanks for the friendly welcome to the new world Preston. I'll catch you around." I started to walk away but he grabbed me and turned me back around to face him.

"Alright have it your way tough girl. At least let me help you out a little. Tell you what. You scavenge around these houses and anything you want you take with you. Should give you a decent head start into the commonwealth. And anything you find you won't use, you could probably sell. Build up some cap stashes. Trash can Carla is a trading caravan and she's just down at the entrance right now. There's also a trading store not much further down the road. I suggest heading to diamond city. I'll mark it on your pipboy. Travel safe." With that he turned away and went back to patrolling the settlement like he seemed to be doing 24/7.

So he's just going to let me take whatever I want?

Something about it didn't feel right. Felt like I'd be in debt. I'm not one that likes being in debt to anyone. But I do know a dirt bag nearby that owes me. Collecting on debts, now that I can do.

I started walking myself back over to Nates place. He was sitting on the sofa with a beer in his hand and a smoke between his lips.

"Alright this is what's going to happen. You're gonna give me the rest of that pack of smokes, some caps, and some supplies. Then I'm going to leave. You owe me that much" and not waiting for a response I swiped the pack off the little rickety table and started looking through his boxes in the kitchen.

"I'm not letting you just walk away. I just got you back. You don't know this world. You're tiny. Since the bombs everything else has... grown. You'll never make it. Not without me babe" he said as he walked over to me. He was coming up behind me and I could tell he was about to wrap his arms around my waist. Always was the uncontrollable horn dog.

Lucky for me all that testosterone built up in his system distracted him enough that he didn't notice me swiping the small blade left out on the counter.

With one swift motion, I spun around quickly and knocked him down to the ground. Quickly I went behind him pressing my knee deep into his back and holding the small blade to his throat ready to slice.

"I'm small but I'm Quick. I've always faired better than you in a fight anyways Nate. Or don't You remember all the times YOU were the one who ended up tied to the bedposts every time we fucked?" I let a small laugh out remembering how easy it was to dominate over him.

"I'll be taking what I want from you. And I'll be leaving. Next time maybe you'll think twice about leaving me as roach food next to your dead wife's body. You should probably bury her soon love. Your little flowers wilting."

I'll add more chapters here and there as I get time to write. Working on some art pieces to add to each chapter. Let me know what you'd like to see as chapter images :D

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