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Annabeth was gorgeous...

Definitely not as gorgeous as MJ, but she was still incredibly beautiful.

She was, for sure, the second most attractive person I've ever seen, second to MJ, of course.

But I can clearly see why Percy loves her so much.

This was not what I had been expecting...I had been expecting...Oh, I don't know! But whatever it was, it wasn't this.

The girl Percy was showing me had slightly curly, honey-blonde hair, tan skin, goddess-like features, and extremely intelligent stormy-grey eyes.

Her eyes were...I'm just gonna come right out and say it: scary.

Not in like a 'terrifying-make-you-pee-your-pants' kind of scary, but the intelligent sort of scary. And in my opinion, that is 1000x worse.

While she may have been smiling and looking happy, her eyes didn't 100% reflect that. Annabeth had that look...that look that people have when they've seen too much, the flicker of a hundred nameless emotions.

You can tell she's been through some real shit.

I then get a realization...

I look from Annabeth's photo to Percy.

I see the same look in his eyes...

I look back at Annabeth.

I continue to do this until Percy scowls at me. I decide to keep my newest finding to myself. At least for now.

Instead, I raise my eyebrows, giving him a look of surprise, and say, "You're dating her?!"

Clint, who, in all honesty, I had forgotten was there, asked, "Can I see?"

Percy turned his phone toward him.

Clint looks at the phone for a second, seemingly lost in thought, then opens his mouth, about to say something.

But, before he could, Vision explodes through the door...

Carrying Wanda, who is unconscious, in his arms...

We all jump up, Percy probably the fastest.

Mr. Stark and Thor run over to see what's wrong. Percy leans toward me and whispers in my ear, "What the hell is going on????"

I shrug and look to Clint for help, but he's on the phone, calling Pepper and Nat, telling them to get over here.

I can't hear what Vision is saying to Thor and Mr. Stark, but it can't be good news...I watch as their eyebrows crease with worry, and they trade looks of concern.

Vision is still explaining the situation to them when Natasha and Pepper rush in.

Nat and Clint share a look as she takes her place beside him.

Mr. Stark looks back, and upon seeing that the women have joined us, he walks over, as Thor stays to listen to Vision's story.

I want to ask what's wrong with Wanda, but I find I can't speak...

I feel a chill go down my spine. I look Mr. Stark dead in the eyes and ask, "It has something to do with The Voice? Doesn't it?"

He gulps and nods grimly, then, turning to Clint, "Can you call Rodgers?" Then to Nat, "We're gonna need Banner as well..."

The two agents look at each other. Clint shrugs and walks out of the room. But Nat stayed behind, "What was Peter talking about? What's this Voice?" She demands.

The Quiet Before the Storm (Percy Jackson and the Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now