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I reach the front desk and see a super tall lady flirting with another officer. She had on a spray tan, and had light brown hair, she was overall extremely pretty. Except for the fact that she was trying way too hard. For example, she had about ten pounds of makeup on, and despite being a police officer, she was wearing navy blue high heels.

I cleared my throat to let her know I was there. She shot me an annoyed look and said, "What is it, honey?" She used an exasperated tone that would make you think I was interrupting much more than the failed attempts to get the other cop to notice her (who, speaking of which shot me a grateful look and scampered off). As much as I wanted to tell her to stuff it, I kept calm and decided to go for the distraught child act.

"It's my parents' ma'am. I was walking home and saw that my house was in ruins."

I then brought out my monster-proof phone, courtesy of the Hecate cabin, and showed her the picture that I had snapped of my demolished house. She looked a little surprised at that but didn't speak. So, I took that as my cue to continue. "I searched the whole house for my mother and step-father but found no trace of them. I wanted to let the police know that they are missing."

She sniffed, still looking a bit annoyed but said, "State your name. Your full name," as though I didn't understand. "Oh, and your age as well. I'll also need your parents' names and occupation."

A/N: That's a wrap!! Please let me know if there are any mistakes I missed and tell me what you think. Thanks!

-M :)

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