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"Well, kid what do you wanna talk about,"

"I'm not a kid," Percy mumbles.

"Oh, your not? And what makes that so," I shot back.

He whipped around in his chair and glared at me if looks could kill, I would totally be dead.

"I haven't been a kid since I was 12, I was either forced to grow up fast or..." he trailed off, then gave me a silent death stare, as if daring me to question him.

Of course, this only made me want to know more. So I responded with...


"Or nothing. Forget I said anything. Geez, why does everyone around here nag so much?" he rolls his eyes.

Ohhh. Okay, I see you, Percy. Somethings up...there's something you don't want me, or anyone, to know about.

Hmm...maybe abused? Probably.

Suddenly I get a random memory...

I don't remember the place or the time, nor do I remember anything else about him, I don't even know how I found out, all I could tell you is that I know for a fact that he had an abusive Ex-Stepfather.


How did I know that?

Doesn't matter.

I'll dwell on that later, right now I just feel bad for him.

I need to cut him some slack, his parents are missing for crying out loud!

With that on my mind, I tried for the diplomatic path, "Okay, just forget I said anything. I'm just here to see if you are willing to come to live with me in my tower at least until the police find your parents."

Uh oh, wrong thing to say...

Crinkling up his nose, he snorted and said in a sarcastic tone, "Oh yeah, that's right! I totally forgot, silly me. You're super-rich! Now let's think...why exactly would I want to come live in your stupid tower?"

He was kinda scaring me with the way he was snarling.

"Is it because I would rather hang out with my playboy uncle in his 'super fancy tower' than with my Mom and Paul? Well, I'd hate to break it to you, but unfortunately, I really don't like hanging around people who wave their money in people's faces and think they are all that and a bag of chips."

Percy thinks, then adds, "That means you," in a slow whisper, acting like he is talking to a toddler.

"Do you wanna know something?" He continues in that breathy tone you might use to explain something to a small child, "I think that you are completely full of yourself and that I wouldn't live with an overgrown brat, like you, if it killed me."

I was so angry, how dare a child talk to me, Tony Stark like that?? I'm so mad right now that I don't even care what happens to him! I would ditch him and leave him in the streets if I didn't know that was what he wanted.

I suddenly get a brilliant idea...he wants to get thrown out to the streets...but what if I take him with me? He has a criminal record right?

Maybe if I can keep an eye on him...I can finally figure out where I have seen him before, and I can maybe put away a possible criminal.

I'm gonna figure you out Perseus Jackson.

A/N: Thank You all for reading. Let me know what you think of the latest chapter, and tell me if I missed anything. See ya soon!

-M :)

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