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I was trying to hint at him that he was a part of the "inhuman threats and terrorist..." group. Except, he obviously isn't inhuman. But he just didn't take the hint! All I wanted to know was whether or not he had done those things on the file. Because as much as I hated to admit it...he was kinda growing on me (don't ask me how, I don't know, literally all he has done is glare at me) and I didn't want to have to hand him over to S.H.I.E.L.D.

I didn't have time to question him further though, because at that moment we arrived at Avengers Tower.

He got out of the limo and said, "So...where's your tower?"

I looked at him as if he was insane and pointed up at the skyscraper directly in front of us that had the Avengers logo, it was literally impossible to miss.

"Oh. That's strange...I've never seen that before..." he said (mostly to himself) sounding confused, "But then again, I wasn't really looking was I," he asked, looking smug, but I saw a flicker of doubt in his sea-green eyes, but it was gone as quickly it had appeared, and I thought I had imagined it.

I was a bit confused as to how he had never seen the Avengers Tower before today. It isn't exactly easy to miss.

I wanted to roll my eyes at his snide comment but decided against it instead, I lead him inside, plotting ways to get him to tell me about his past...

A/N: Uhggggg I had to write a WHOLE entire English paper on the 4th day of school!!! Like WHY?!? I'm literally just a Freshmen! Give me a break! Anyyyyway, tell me what you think about this latest chapter, why hasn't Percy ever seen Avenger's Tower before? Guess we'll find out soon ;) Also, don't forget to Vote and Comment!

(P.S- As you could probably tell from my complaining that I will be having a TON of homework this year, with that said, I won't be able to update as frequently. As I mentioned in the last chapter I was thinking about making a schedule, where I would probably update like once maybe twice a week (if your lucky). Please, let me know what you think about this idea. Also sorry about the super long A/N.)

-M :)

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