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I stormed out of our make-shift meeting room, slamming the door as I did so.

I heard Rodgers say through the door, "He's just in a mood...he'll get over it."

I snorted.

How can they be so calm? Percy and Thalia just tackled Annabeth. And they couldn't even provide a proper explanation! Just 'That was not Annabeth...'

What a load of bull.

Who else could it have been?

But then again...Peter said he believed them, which has to count for something. He would have said something if they were lying. Peter Tingle, remember?

I decided to make my way towards my workshop. I needed to calm myself down for a few minutes. Even if that just meant sitting in there for a little.

On my way down, I grab a bag of chips from the pantry.

Once I get down to my workshop, I put the chip bag in my mouth so I can clap my hands to turn on the lights.

"Welcome back, sir." J.A.R.V.I.S greets me.

"Good to be back, J.A.R.V.I.S," I grumble moodily.

"Might I ask what the matter is, sir?" He questions.

I sigh, open my bag of chips, and stuff a few in my mouth. I take a second before responding with, "Well, it's that kid, Percy, again. He's acting so suspicious. Did you see what happened in the hospital room?"

"Yes, I did."

"Those new kids. All of them. They know something. Don't you think?"

"I think they might be hiding something, yes. But I don't think it is something to worry about. I don't think they are doing it to harm you. Or anyone else, for that matter. Maybe, sir, it's just not your business."

I sighed again. "Maybe. But if it wasn't bad, why would they hide it?"

"It could be personal."

"Yeah...could be..." I still wasn't sure, though.

I finished my chips and decided it was time to go back to the room. I had calmed down a bit.

As I was heading back, I heard talking. I wasn't close enough to hear what the people were saying, but it seemed important.

Intrigued, I walk forward, making sure to stay quiet.

I heard someone mumble, "Action Inducement."

"I'm sorry...what?" Someone (who sounded suspiciously like Thalia) asked.

"Action Inducement," I now recognized the voice to be Annabeth, "The power to induce actions. She was...using Action Inducement on me...that makes sense...because she's the Protogenoi of compulsion. And you guys knocking me out somehow broke her hold on my mind...interesting..."

I stood there in complete and utter confusion. What the hell? Who was using Action Inducement? What even is Action Inducement? What's a 'Protogenoi?'

Everything was silent for a few seconds. Was it just Annabeth and Thalia in the hallway? Or was Percy with them and just staying quiet? That seemed unlikely.

Then I heard someone knock on a door.

"Um, hi." Turns out Percy was with them, "Mind if we borrow Will and Nico for a hot sec?"

"Of course," I hear Vision say, "And...if I may, I would like to personally thank you for bringing them. They have been a great help."

There was a beat of silence.

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