Author's Note

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First of all, I know this "chapter" will come as a massive disappointment to a lot of you, and I'm sorry about that. But this needs to be said.

Okay, to start off, obviously I haven't updated or been active for a very long time. In fact, this is my first time on Wattpad in over 5 months. The notifications were insane, lmao. But I loved spending 2+ hours looking through them. The kind comments, the funny ones, and even the rude ones. I read every single one of them. I apologize for not responding, I'll go back through later and do that, because it really does mean a lot.

Now, to get to the real part, the part I'm sure most of you have been waiting for. As of now, I have decided to indefinitely discontinue this work. This is not to say that this will never be updated again. No, I would love to come back to this work somewhere down the line and continue it, but that's somewhere far in the future, as of right now, I'm working on myself.

This next section will be my "reasoning" (to be fair, it's more of an explanation) behind never been active. If would prefer not to read it, please skip forward to the next set of "~~~" that is where this section will end. 

TW: s/h mentions, suicidal ideation, ED, and other mental health issues.

Please skip if any of that material will hurt you in any way. Please.


In April (2022), I was hospitalized for self harm and suicidal ideation. Yep, that's right, I went on a grippy sock vacation. I was only supposed to be there for a week, but due to my condition, I was forced to stay for two weeks. During all this mess, I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and an Anxiety Disorder. This was a huge shock to the system because while I knew there was something wrong with me, I had no idea it was that bad. I guess I didn't really understand until I was hospitalized. It was very sudden and very scary. One minute I was in a normal doctor's appointment, and the next I was being rushed over to a mental hospital that I hadn't even known existed. 

Once I arrived, everything was a blur. I was interviewed and questioned. Then once they finished doing a mandatory body-check, I was given scrubs to change into for my first 24 hours, and a roommate who was 4 years younger than me. Now, at the time, mental health was completely new territory. I had known something was off when I began to s/h in 2020, but I didn't think much of it. I pushed it down and ignored it. I didn't ask for help when I stopped eating or when I was failing school. I was a disaster and no one knew. Not even my parents.

At the time, I had this girlfriend. She was a secret because I was still closeted. I was in love with her, but I was also obsessed. If she was mad at me, I was mad at me. When she was upset because he mother was being a bitch, I was always there to comfort her and help. But if I ever needed help or support, she was always the one going through MORE shit and MORE trauma. I didn't even fathom the fact that this relationship could have been bad for me, I loved her. But when I went to the hospital, everything changed when my parents went through my phone. They found out about her, they found out about everything. I was forbidden to see her and text her. She was blocked on all platforms and my phone was taken away. I didn't get it back until sometime in July. But by then it didn't really matter. I had gotten used to living life without it. Which was good because I had been obsessed with that as well. 

In August, my girlfriend of 8 months broke up with me. I didn't cry, I didn't even care.

Blah, Blah, Blah, skip ahead a little, and I was back in school and I was doing better. Until around October. I began slipping again. I relapsed and I hated myself for it. In November, I went to this Intensive Day Program for a month. It was something to help me get back on track, a step down from the hospital. And it DID help, I made friends, I learned about myself and my brain, and most of all, I learned to accept myself. I was not defective, and I was not broken. I was me. And that was okay.

During this time, I got to know this girl, we'll call her Sarah (not her real name). I knew her from musical theatre at school, and as we learned more about each other, I began to realize that I liked her. So, I told her and she confessed that she liked me as well. We went on a date, and while we were there, we made it official. I've now been dating this amazing person for over a month, and I really like her. She's good to me and I'm good to her. 

In fact we went on a date yesterday. It was one of the best days of my life.

Anyway, here we are, New Year's Eve, and I'm doing good. I'm not always going to be doing good, and that's okay. I'm focused on the moment and I'm loving it.

This has been my journey, and I'm proud.


Okay, enough of that, no more TW, the rest of this should be smooth sailing. 

To summarize, for the people who skipped that last section, I was out of commission from April to July, as I didn't have my phone or computer. I've been focusing on myself and my mental health, and I hope all of you can understand.

Moving on, I hope you can forgive me for never being active, and if I ever find it in my heart to continue this book, I will do my best.

Thank you all for understanding, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask, I will do my best to answer <33

Love forever,

M :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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