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Harry Styles man bun appreciation

"Thank you again for inviting us." It had gotten late, and Leigh had fallen asleep on the couch in the studio. Roni was carrying Leigh and following Harry out of the studio.

"Like I said, no worries. I wanted to. Let me at least get you a car home."

"No. That's ok, it's not far from here. We can walk." She stopped him from dialing a number on his phone.

"Alright. Listen, I was going to ask you to be my date for an award show after party tomorrow night?"

"I don't know Harry I-"

"I know It's really public but the award shows are boring with the parties being only slightly more fun. You would make it barable." Roni thought about it for a minute, not really sure it would be a good idea. "I'll put your name on the guest list, that way if you decide to come, and if you don't no harm done." Roni nodded, loving that he wasn't pressuring her.

"Goodnight, Harry."

"Night, Roni."


Roni made her way into work, grabbing a newspaper on her way. On the front page were pictures of her and Harry. There were a few from the night before outside the studio and one from the day they met when she was wearing Cara's outfit. "Shit." She cursed under her breath. "Have you seen this?" Zoe grabbed the paper from her friend, examining the pictures for herself.

"What? You can't even tell it's you!"

"Roni?" Mr. Smith called her into his office. On his desk was a copy of the paper. "So?"

"I can explain."

"I suggest you end things with Mr. Styles if you value being promoted." She nodded and left his office.

"What happened?" Zoe was filling up their cart and pushing it towards the lift.

"I am going to a fancy after party to break whatever I have off with Harry Styles." Roni replies running a hand through her hair.


"You'll only be at dad's for the night, ok? I'll pick you up in the morning." Ainsleigh nodded and put her headphones in to drown out the noises on the bus. Danny was surprisingly more than willing to have Leigh for the night. His new apartment building was large and modern looking. They took the lift up the the third floor and knocked on her ex's door.

"Hey. Thanks for letting me have some time with her." They watched their daughter enter the apartment and flop down on the couch.

"Yea. Thanks for taking her. I gotta go get ready but I'll pick her up in the morning." Danny nodded and waved goodbye. "Bridgette," Roni dialed the number of the seamstress at the hotel. "I need your help with a dress."

The party will be the next chapter :)

any predictions on what will happen?

vote/comment xo -Rachel

Maid in Manchester // h.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora