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"Oh Roni, we are doing a dinner tonight. Perfect table settings and everything. You're the best at it. Mr. Styles' room at 8pm." Mr. Smith, the man a step below Mr. Jenkins, caught her in the hallway. Her stomach dropped, but she nodded.

"Can you take Leigh home after your shift? I have to work a dinner with Mr. Smith." Roni finds Zoe in the basement locker room.
"Yea of course. Whose the dinner for?"
"Harry." She mumbles taking in the look of horror on Zoe's face. "Yep. I knew it was too good to last." Roni walks to the elevator taking it to the next floor to say bye to Leigh.

She manages to sneak by into the room, hidden by a tray of food. "Can you take this out to the table?" Roni takes the bottle of wine pushing through the swinging door between the kitchen area and the living room. There was a small dark wood table set with the hotels finest plates and silverware. Roni turns quickly as Harry enters the room, pretending to be busy with flowers praying he won't recognize her from the back. 

Harry wanted everything to be perfect, and that couldn't happen in a public place. Besides Cara gave off a low key vibe, despite her status. A knock on the door hightens his nerves.  "Uh hi?"

        "Harry! It's so good to see you! Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner!" Cara's voice echoes through the spatious hotel room. 

        "When exactly did I invite you to dinner?" 

        "You left a note in my room, silly!" She smacked his arm playfully. 

        "Right. Will you excuse me for a second." He politley excuses himself and rushes past Roni in the dining and into the kitchen. 

        "That is not the girl I invited to dinner." 

        "Are you sure?" Mr. Smith seems confused at the statement. 

        "Positive. She had dark brown hair, almost black, with tan skin and a little girl named Ainsleigh. Please just find her!" Harry desperatly asks. With a short nod from Mr. Smith Harry retreats back to the living room. 

Having heard the entire conversation Roni slowly pushes the door to the kitchen open. "You are free to go. Make sure he doesn't see you on the way out. We can talk about this tomorrow." 

        "No I'm just not feeling well. We can try to reschedule." 

        "I'm holding you too that! Feel better!" Cara waves on her way out the door. Letting out a sigh of relief Harry flops on the couch. Wanting to go out he waits long enough so Cara should be back in her room. Security hates when he goes out alone, without informing them. But Harry couldn't be bothered tonight. Down in the lobby he spots Roni leaving. "Cara!" he yells to get her attention. He jogs in their direction tapping her shoulder to finally make her notice. She jumps, clearly startled pulling one earbud out of her ear.

        "Harry. Um hi?" Roni self contiously looks down at her outfit: a light purple tank top, zip up jumper and sweats. It would take a miricle for it not to give her secret away. 

        "Wow. I never pictured you in sweats." He chuckles looking her over. "You look cute, don't worry. I wish I could go out in public in sweatpants." 

        "Right. Like you own sweats." She jokes. 

        "I don't actually. Maybe I'll buy some. So did you move rooms? I tried sending you a note inviting you do dinner." 

        "Oh um actually we've checked out. Staying somewhere else for a change." 

        "Oh. Well then I'm inviting you to dinner in person. Tomorrow night, my suit. I'll even cook." 

        "I don't think that-" 

        "Please. It's just dinner." 

        "Ok. I guess I can find a sitter for Leigh. But I have to tell you something first." His eyes were staring into her, like two sparkling emeralds. "Cara isn't my name." His looks of confusion urges her to keep talking. "Well it is. I just prefer to go by Roni. Old nick name." She lies again. 

        "Roni." He repeats, tasting her real name for the first time. "I like it. It suits you better. My suite 7 pm tomorrow." Harry takes her hand, leaving a short kiss on the back of it before turning around and heading back upstairs. His plans to go out and drink no longer appealing to him, his mind was consumed with Roni. 

wow. this sucks. I'm sorry. 

hopefull after finals are over I can spend more time on chapters and make them better!

vote/comment pweeze :) xo -Rachel

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