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It was hard to sneak around the hotel without Harry seeing, with a few close encounters. The end of the day came way to fast and Roni was walking quickly through the lobby and almost didn't see a familiar face. "What the hell Danny? You're supposed to be at the apartment in an hour, not here!"

"I wanted to come see you first and surprise Leigh." She hadn't told Ainsleigh about her dad coming into town. Roni sighed loudly but continued to walk to the bus with Danny keeping pace next to her. "How have you been?"

"Great." She flashes him a fake smile while getting on the bus. It's a short ride to Ainsleigh's school where they get off to wait for their daughter.

"Cmon Roni. Don't be like this. I'm sorry, ok?" Danny tried to take her hand in his but Roni yanked it away. She refused to look into his brown eyes because she knew she would cave again.

"I know, Danny. But that doesn't make up for the fact that you left like we meant nothing to you."

"You know that's not true." He argued.

"Then why didn't you stay?" Danny stayed silent, with no good excuse. Kids began to stream out of the school doors, interrupting their conversation. When Leigh caught sight of them she raced over.

"Dad!" Danny bent down to her level and she threw her small arms around his neck in a hug. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to surprise you!" The trio stepped onto a new bus that would take them to Roni's small apartment.


During dinner most of the chatter was between Danny and Ainsleigh. Roni wasn't in a social mood. "Mum have you seen Harry again?" Leigh thought it was great to ask while her dad was there.

"Just around the hotel."

"Oh. I miss him. Can we see him again?"

"Whose Harry?" Danny questions in a hurt tone.

"No one."

"Harry Styles!" Leigh informs him.

"As in the famous Harry Styles?" He was shocked and honestly jealous.

"It's nothing really. We went out once or twice." That was a lie. It was something but Roni wasn't willing to admit that to herself yet.

"He's going to help me with my stage fright!" Leigh smiles proudly.

"That's good." Was the sarcastic comment from Danny.


"How did you manage to go on a date with Harry Styles?" After they put Leigh to bed Danny was meant to leave but stayed put.

"I'm not talking to you about this!"

"Fine, don't. I'm still here for a few more days and I want to see her again." Roni nods, knowing it's what's best for Leigh.

"Ok. I'll text you then."

"Thank you. Bye, Roni." He leans in and kisses her cheek before exiting the apartment.

Just kind of another filler.
Please vote and comment I love reading them!! xo -Rachel

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