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“Leigh, c’mon baby we’re going to be late!” Roni yells down the hallway of their small apartment. She is grabbing a few lunch items from the fridge and throwing them into brown paper bags when Leigh finally emerges from her room. Her dark curly hair the same as her mother’s falling in ringlets down her back. A well-loved Rolling Stones t-shirt and a pair of black leggings adorn her seven year old body.

            “Mum, do I have to go to school?”

            “Ainsleigh, we’ve been over this. Yes. Now grab your backpack we’re going to be late!” Roni ushers her daughter out of their apartment door and locking it behind them. Their walk to the bus stop a few blocks down takes only a few minutes, making it just in time. Digging in her worn out backpack, Leigh pulls out an old walkman. “Hey c’mon. Talk to me for a few minutes at least. Are you ready for the talent show later?”

            “Yea, I guess. I’m just nervous.”

            “Don’t be. I hear you practicing all the time, and it sounds great. Ok?”

            “Is dad going to be there?” She asks innocently, twirling her headphone chord between her fingers.

        "He said he would be." Roni rakes a hand through her unruly wavy hair. Ainsleigh's father has been out of the picture for some time, picking the most inconvenient times to reapear in Roni's life. And frequently forgetting to show up for important events in his daughter's life. Leigh takes the silence as an opportunity to shove her headphones on leaving Roni to her thoughts. New waves of people flow on and off the crowded city bus until finally the two girls get off. Ainsleigh follows the mob of other kids into her school as Roni parts ways to walk to work. 

She pushes through the busy streets of Manchester before entering the large doors of the Plaza Hotel. Making her way down the the locker room she punches in with a cheery hello to Gus, the security guard. Setting her large tote bag on the bench Roni pulls out items of her maid uniform. It wasn't an ideal job, but it paid most of the bills and kept her and Leigh living. She's been working there since she got pregnant at 18. 

        "Hey Ron, you going to go for that management position?" One of her coworkers, Hannah, questions as they change into maids.

        "I don't know Han. Things are going really well for Leigh and I right now, I don't want a promotion to change that." 

        "You call this 'going really well'? Know one knows the in and outs of this hotel as well as you do!" Roni sighs and shakes her head at her outspoken friend. She gathers her long hair into a ponytail and twists it into a lose bun on top of her head. As per protocol she make her way to the laundry room with the other maid, and help staff to get instructions from Mr. Jenkins the hotel manager. 

        "Alright, people. As you may have heard the hotel is looking to promote from within for my managment assistant position. Anyone is able to apply." His eyes flash towards Roni then back down to his clipboard. "Today we are reciving five very important guests. The band One Direction are taking the penthouse suites for the next month. Everything needs to be perfect." He gives a few people specific jobs. As everyone is dispersing he stops Roni. "Miss Pierce. Two of the three penthouses are in your area. Do make sure you get in and out before noon." 

        "Right. Be invisible." She gives him a fake smile before grabbing her cart and heading for the elevator. 

New story!! Let me know what you guys think!

This is loosley based off the movie Maid in Manhattan! 

vote/comment if you want me to keep going with this! :) xo -Rachel 

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