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picture of fetus Niall because let's face it, fetus Niall is life.

ps. start listening to the song in the sidebar at the flashback :) 

Harry met them outside the studio, recieving a big hug from Leigh. "It's good to see you." He muttered and pecked Roni's cheek. It felt like ages since their dinner date. 

"You too." She smiles right back. Inside the studio Niall is in the booth recording a part for a song. Leigh stops dead and stares. 

"Is she ok?" Harry wonders.

"Yea. I think she's mentioned that Niall is her favourite." Harry fakes a hurt look earning a laugh from Roni. "Do I get to hear you go in there and sing?" 

"Yea. I am after Niall finishes this part." A few minutes later the man working the soundboard is satisfied with Niall's take of the song and tells him he is done. The fake blonde steps out of the sound proof room. 

"Ni, this is Roni and her daughter Ainsleigh. This is my bandmate Niall." Harry makes the introductions. Leigh is still rooted to her spot staring wide-eyed at Niall. 

"It's nice ta meet ya!" His Irish accent is thick, and a sloppy grin is on his face. "Hi," he bends down to Ainsleigh's level. 

"Hello," her voice is so quiet. 

"Don't be shy. It's alright." Niall opens his arms for a hug and she falls right into them. 

"This is so cool for her. Thank you, Harry." Roni whispers to the curly haired boy next to her. 

"No problem. Hey, Leigh." He shows the girl all the buttons the soundboard guy is pushing and what they do, before stepping into the sound proof box. 

"Just so you know Harry won't stop talkin bout ya. He really fancies you." Niall speaks to Roni as they watch Harry sing. His deep voice fills the small room as he sings about lost love. She blushes, not knowing what to say to Niall. "I really like him too." Roni focuses on the lyrics of the song and frowns when they hit home.


Danny came stumbling through the door of their old apartment late at night, or early in the morning depending on how you look at it. "Where have you been?" 

"Out." He stated pushing past Roni and into their small bedroom. 

"You go out almost every night." Danny was busy untieing his shoes and sliding them off his feet he hardly was listening.


"So? You leave me with our one year old and come back like this! Who knows what the hell you're doing when you're gone!" Roni was struggling to keep her volume down and her tone civil. Mostly because Ainsleigh was in the crib sleeping. 

"You think I'm cheating, don't you?" 

"Well what would you like me to think? You've changed, Danny. And I don't like this version of you." Roni twirled the silver engagment ring around her finger. Danny proposed just before Leigh was born. They were just waiting until they could afford it. But that seemed like a pipe dream now. Money was tight and their relationship was crumbling. 

"Suck it up then because this is me." 

Their fighting like this went on for months. They would start yelling, waking Ainsleigh. Then Roni would have to calm her down. Then one night Danny never came back. Days later and he still wasn't home. Roni got the message. In some ways it was a huge relief, but now she had to care for the baby alone. 

Leigh is an accurate representation of me if i ever got lucky enough to meet niall horan. 

Hope you guys liked this bit. 

The drama and stuff will pick up sooooon ;) 

vote/comment xo -Rachel 

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