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Roni woke up in a bed that clearly wasn't hers. For one it was spacious and comfortable, the mattress moulding to the contours of her body, there was also another person in it. Harry was fast asleep, soft snores escaping his mouth. Looking at the clock on the bedside table Roni got out of bed and searched for clothes. Putting back on her dress wasn't an option. That would scream walk of shame more than anything. The best she could find was an old jumper and a pair of sweats. One last look at a still sleeping harry and she was out of the room. Roni pulled up the hood on the jumper and made her way to the bus.

"Wow, that's quite the look. Are you going for a homeless look?" He gestures to the baggy male clothes on her body.

"Shove it, alright?" She wasn't in the mood for her ex's remarks. Danny puts his hands up in surrender. "How was she?"

"She was great. We had fun."

"Good. Thank you for taking her."

"I uh was thinking if it was ok with you I could have her like every other weekend or something."

"I think we can work something out." She nodded, feeling relileved that he finally wanted to be in Ainsleigh's life.

"Leigh, your mum's here." Danny calls down the hallway. She comes running, with her backpack partially zipped and a pair of pants falling out.

"Hey baby. Let's puts these back in so we don't lose them!" Roni folds the pants and neatly puts them at the top of the bag before zipping it up. "Ready to go?" Leigh nodded.

"Bye daddy." She gave him the best hug she could with her small arms.

"Bye. I'll call you later to talk." Danny nodded and closed the door after them.


Harry woke up and streached his arms above his head, aware that he was alone. He remembered Roni being there last night. Putting on a clean pair of boxers he found his phone in the mess made the night before and called her. "hey you've reached Roni, leave me a message!" Her answering machine spoke. Harry huffed and threw his phone on the bed, moving towards the bathroom.

Harry made his was through the lobby but was stopped by Mr. Smith. "Ah Mr. Styles, just the person I was looking for. Would you come with me please?"


 "Sorry to have called you in on your day off, but Mr. Jenkins wanted a word." Mr. Smith told Roni. She had been forced to bring Leigh with her. The rounded the corner into Mr. Jenkins' office and were met by Harry and Cara. 

"Harry!" Ainsleigh exclaimed, running forward to hug him. 

"Hello. How have you been?" He asked her. 

"Good! I've been practicing my singing!" She beamed. 

"Leigh, why don't you go wait downstairs with Bridgette." Roni had a bad feeling about this meeting. Leigh nodded and ran down the hall. 

"So I'm confused as to why we're here." Harry spoke slowly. 

"It's her fault. She's the identity theif!" Cara pointed to Roni who was still fozen by the door. 

ba ba bummmm. 

shits about to go down. 

vote/comment xo -Rachel 

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