Chapter 21

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"Hey, guys, Taeyong is calling a quick group meeting with everyone in the main room," Jaehyun announces to the boys currently in the movie theater.

It was Haechan, Mark, Johnny, Yuta, and the 96' liners all having a Harry Potter movie marathon. The day had been really slow and a lot of the gang members were stuck inside because of the stormy weather outside.

"Haven't had one of those in a hot minute. I hope this time it's about getting more garage space. I'm tired of keeping my car parked on the driveway," Johnny says while letting out an exaggerated sigh.

Doyoung looks at him incredulously, "You know we're still in a gang, right? Like, we have more important things to worry about than your car getting rained on. Oh no, was it the bird poop last week?" He held a very fake, worried look on his face along with the sarcastic remark.

"Damn, Youngie, you're a spit fire today," Yuta comments, which causes the group, aside from Johnny and Doyoung, to burst out laughing.

They all make their way to the main room. The rest of the gang was already seated, most of the seats being taken so Haechan and Mark decide to sit on the ground together.

Taeyong stood at the front along with two unfamiliar faces. It made Haechan curious as to who they were. He remembers it not being that long ago when he was in that position, scared and in an unfamiliar territory.

"Alright, it looks like everyone is here," Taeyong quickly does a head count as if he were a teacher counting his students.

"Everyone, meet Sungchan and Shotaro. Please, make them feel welcomed and none of your bullshit shenanigans you like to pull on new members." Everyone grows curious and whispers among each other before shouting out random questions.

Haechan noticed that the smaller boy looked to be frightened and had his guard up high. The taller one had a serious expression almost as if he was ready to protect the two at any moment, no hesitations. It looked like they had been through some shit.

"SHUT UP." Taeyong's voice rings out. It caused everyone to be quiet and Haechan almost wanted to laugh at that.

"Thank you. Now, if you really need to know, they can tell you everything, but only on their terms. They're apart of our family now, treat them like so." Taeyong finishes and nods his head at the group.

"Wow, Yong, you make us sound like monsters. We aren't bad, just some of us have no boundaries or filters when they speak," Taeil states, which causes some replies of denial and excuses.

Taeyong ignores the group and turns to the two new guys, "Do you want to share your story? You don't have to, but they're gonna bug about it."

The way the taller guy nodded, Haechan could tell he held a lot of confidence. The shorter one he definitely felt for. "I'm just going to be upfront first, and say that we did come from an enemy gang." This caused everyone to be dead silent.

Haechan could feel the tension wanting to rise, but everyone stayed quiet to hear what he had to say.

"We were kidnapped and brainwashed. They manipulated us into doing their dirty work and after it all, they locked us up with little to no food or water for weeks. You guys came in on one of your missions awhile back and set us free to run away. We ran into Taeyong today and he knew of our situation so he offered us a place here. We don't expect kindness or hostility since we are from an opposing gang, but please be open minded." After finishing his statement, tears began to glisten in his eyes. They definitely went through something if Taeyong brought them in. He was hard on outsiders, but these two looked like they desperately needed help.

"Wack," a voice whispered loudly.

"Ow! Why are you hitting me?"

"Yangyang, you can't just say that during a serious moment."

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