Chapter 5

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He wasn't able to get a response from the younger because Taeyong came walking into his office at that moment. He closes the door behind him with a sigh before sitting in his office chair.

"Alright, Haechan, explain what's going on." Haechan nods before looking at Hyeongjun, his worry still present as he checks for discomfort in his expression. There were tears in his eyes, but it seemed like the younger was calming down.

"This is Hyeongjun. Yeri found him running away from something when she was out with her mom," Haechan pauses a moment, as he sighs. "It's my situation all over again. I couldn't let him go out on his own." He hated his own past, but it was something he learned to overcome. Seeing someone as small and fragile as Hyeongjun, however, was different. It was something he didn't want to wish on another person. Judging by his reactions to his surroundings, it seemed like the younger's personal experience might have been worse than Haechan's.

Taeyong wears a look of sadness and concern. He remembers when Haechan came in, how terrified and frail he looked. When Taeyong met the younger, he didn't know what to expect, except to be wary of this stranger. His gang was something he would risk his life to protect. After finding out what the younger had gone through, though, Taeyong knew Haechan needed someone in his life to lean on, he just needed a family.

Maybe that's why Haechan cared so much, Hyeongjun needs someone to be kind to him just like Haechan did awhile ago.

"Okay, Hyeongjun, I'm Taeyong. I want you to know that this house is safety, okay? We're going to keep you safe here for the time being," Taeyong explains, hesitating with his words. He didn't want to scare the kid, but he also didn't know what the younger would do.

They decided to give Hyeongjun some time for himself, as everything was very overwhelming, so they let him have one of the game rooms all to himself as a place to relax. They set up a makeshift bed out of blankets and a bunch of pillows since there weren't any extra rooms to spare, but he seemed to be okay with it. It was definitely a lot better than where he came from.

Where he came from.

That thought really dug into Haechan. Something seemed off about the younger and his origins. Yes, he was a super. That was definite. He also, for sure, came from a lab.

His idea was that it was something more cruel than his past. That worried Haechan, but all he could do right now was protect him as best as he could. Maybe this is why Yeri was so passionate about finding the others like us, because the idea of being imprisoned for all of your life and then finally being able to escape, can do numbers on anyone's mental stability. It wasn't safe for them to roam on their own and Yeri wanted to help that.

"What's on your mind, Channie?" Mark and Haechan were cuddling on Mark's bed watching a movie, but it seemed like Haechan wasn't all there. It worried the older a bit, but he knew the other had a long day.

"Just mainly thinking about the talk I had with Taeyong. He accepts Hyeongjun being here, but I'm scared that it might be too much for him to live here. Everyone is so loud and in everyone's personal space." Haechan sighs, resting his head on the others chest. The heart beat of the older was soothing to listen to.

Mark understood because he saw that too. Everyone got a little overexcited seeing someone new that they forgot to think about how the kid would feel in this environment for the first time. "Well, when you first got here, I thought the same thing. Everyone was so over the top with you and I thought you would want to hide away from the guys because of how loud they were. You really showed me otherwise because of how well you fit in."

Haechan never really thought of his own experience that way. He definitely felt comfortable with everyone after the first couple of days. It was very inclusive here and that helped him feel at ease, but what if it just wasn't like that with Hyeongjun? Maybe he wanted to leave and run off on his own. Haechan shook that thought out of his head.

He thought about his moments with the boy earlier. Hyeongjun trusted him enough to talk to him even if it was just a little bit. Anyone could tell that the younger wanted to be close to Haechan, he wanted someone to keep him safe. His thoughts kept going back and forth, like a ping pong ball.

"Try to sleep, baby. Your thoughts can take a break for a moment." Haechan gave into the other's words and let his thoughts pause after awhile of bouncing around his head. He can figure things out the next day.

Superhuman: Finding the Supers (sequel)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن