Chapter 19

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Mark drives off quickly, leaving the other three behind. Haechan hadn't really thought much of it, but he wasn't sure how he was going to get Hyeongjun home. He was able to teleport that one time with Jongho, but he had been using his powers a lot today and he wasn't sure about if there was enough strength for him to get Hyeongjun back.

As if Yeri had read his mind, she speaks up, "I have a trick to teleport Hyeongjun. I'll show it to you later, but for now I'll take care of it. Just go back to the apartment." With that she turns to Hyeongjun, putting a hand on his shoulder, and closes her eyes. Before Haechan could even blink, Hyeongjun was gone and soon after, so was Yeri.

Before he teleported himself, as well, Haechan stopped a moment to look around. Something felt off about this neighborhood. When they were first walking, before the found the building, Haechan had taken a glance at Felix. Something about his reaction didn't sit right with him and it didn't seem like it was only nerves from making sure his brother and friends were okay. What if Felix knew this town before?

Another thought bounced into his head at that moment. What if that man they faced was another person who wanted to turn kids into weapons?

A cluster of small red and blue lights arose in the distance and all Haechan could do was stand there. His body was still from exhaustion and his mind numb.

He was only a kid when his life was taken from him. Felix and Jisung were only kids, Hyeongjun was only a kid and still is. Yeri, as well. The world they lived in was really fucked up. Haechan was tired of being fragile.

It seemed like the cops had noticed Haechan there standing. He hadn't even realized it, but he was back at the field beside the warehouse. His feet moved as if they had a mind of their own.

He glanced around to find screeching tires and the flashing lights blinding him. What was he still doing here?

His mind seemed to refocus from his disassociation and without any hesitation, he teleports himself out of this place, leaving the cops frustrated and confused.

Within a second, he was back at the apartment. It was just in time, too, since right as he appeared, Mark and the others drove up.

All Haechan wanted at that moment was his Mark. So, without a second to lose, he attaches himself in a hug to which Mark responds immediately. "Hey, Taeyong wants me back. There's something going on with one of the allying gangs and they need some of us to go. I'll be back before you know it and then we can have a movie night together. Okay?" He felt himself feeling bad, but he had to understand that his boyfriend was an important gang member. Sometimes, Taeyong needed his help.

Haechan nods solemnly. As soon as he pulls away, Mark brings him right back to plant a soft kiss on his forehead. It always made Haechan feel special when he did that. "I'll see you later," whispers Mark.

Haechan turns to walk in with the others. He noticed Yeri looking at him with a worried expression and he figured she noticed how late he was coming back.

When they walked in, Yeri took Hyeongjun back to her apartment, but Haechan decided to walk with the others to theirs to make sure they were okay.

They noticed, as soon as they entered the apartment, Minho and Chan pacing the the floor of the main room. Their expressions were frustrated, but the moment they heard the door open their eyes went wide.

"Channie!" Jeongin sobbed out, running straight to his brother into a hug.

"Where the fuck were you? I told you both not to take Jeongin out without me knowing. We are supposed to stay hidden. No one can find out we live here. What were you thinking?!" Chan's face turned bright red. At that point Jeongin's face was pushed into Chan's chest while he sobbed uncontrollably. It broke Haechan's heart to see how affected he was. Chan's yelling didn't seem to help either.

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