Chapter 17

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From the distraction that had occurred, they managed to get Jeongin and Seungmin out of the room and off to the side, where Yeri and Hyeongjun kept an eye on them. They needed to stay safe.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group stayed in place to deal with the bad guys. There wasn't much time for them to create any plan so they made an unspoken agreement to just do what they felt was best to get rid of these guys.

"Oh, man, this is going to be fun," Jisung smirks while lifting up a hand full of fire. "You guys messed with the wrong group of kids." A laugh ripples through his chest, before he takes off running further into the large storage room they were in.

"Stop him!" Their leader yells. "You three, help me with the others." He barks orders left and right.

Haechan looks at Felix, who was biting his lip nervously. "Felix, it's okay," the older tells. "We can get rid of them, no problem."

It wasn't like they had anything to really be scared about. They were a group of kids who had actual super powers. They were stronger than the men who only had guns to protect them. It was just a hinderance if the supers get shot at.

Jisung, who had found this to be a game, was running around setting boxes and equipment on fire. He wasn't leaving without putting on a show.

A movement out of the corner of his eye stops him and he glances over to find one of the bad guys immediately halt with their gun pointed at him.

"Hey now, it's not really nice to point, especially with a gun." Jisung snickers at his own comment.

"And they said you shouldn't play with fire," the man replies back.

"Oh, but it's so much fun. Here, let me show you!" With a swift flick of his index finger, he shoots out fire so it catches the guy's shirt.

With a laugh, he watches him struggle as it begins to burn his skin. "Let me know when you're done, I'm gonna be over here if you need me." With that, he runs off, finding more things to light on fire.

There was some shouting that distracted him. It sounded like a strangled shout from his brother and that made worry grow in him rapidly.

Following the direction where the shouting was coming from, he sneaks around a corner of a supply stack. Haechan was facing his direction with a look of anger, but Felix had his back towards him, along with a gun pointed at his head.

Jisung quietly groans to himself. Couldn't they just catch a break already? Attempting to keep his feet as quiet as possible, he approaches the one who had his brother at gunpoint. He creates a gun shape out of his fingers and rests it against the man's temple.

"Move one muscle and your head will burn. Make a move, I dare you." The guy visibly stiffens in front of Jisung and that gave the boy satisfaction. He had the control.

Immediately, however, the man turns around and pushes the barrel of the gun against Jisung's forehead.

Well, he wasn't expecting that to happen.

"Burn me all you want, but I'll just put this bullet through your head as your friends watch." This stirs some annoyance in Jisung. How dare they try to out threaten him.

An idea forms in his head that causes a smirk on his head. He just needs to get Haechan's attention. Maybe he could communicate with him to use his telekinesis to take the fireball in his hand and attack this man with it.

Jisung looks over at Haechan, who was no where to be found. Well, that idea was out the door. It wasn't long before he heard a yell. Both him and the man with the gun in front of him look up to find Haechan about 50 feet up on top of some shelves. It was where packs of supply stacks were stored.

What the hell was he planning? Jisung quickly found the answer as the large stacks began falling one at a time, attempting to be aimed at the man and some of the others who joined to give him some help.

"Hell yeah!"

The man quickly turns around to point the gun back at Jisung, "Don't think I'm just going to let you escape so easily."

"Nah," Jisung laughs, "but I plan to escape." He shoots his arm forward and sets him on fire, causing the man to scream in pain with his skin burning aggressively.

"Haechan, there are some over on that side," Jisung shouts up to him. He turns to find some more men running his direction, some even firing at him.

Honestly, Jisung was having the best time ever, as he kept firing fire blasts through his fingers at them. Life was beginning to get a little stale from hiding everyday and trying to not make themselves known. This was exciting for him.

He quickly glances over to where he finds his brother, who was running past an unsuspecting man and freezing him drastically. That man will definitely not survive that, Jisung thinks to himself, before laughing.

"Lixie, you doing alright?" He shouts to his brother, as he burns another bad guy.

"I'm fine. We need to get out of here, I'm pretty sure I saw someone calling for reinforcements." Jisung agrees, and after his last burn victim, they go to find the other two.

Funnily enough, the girl that was with them earlier, was no longer there.

"Haechan!" They meet up with him as soon as they come across each other.

"The girl left. I saw her climb through one of the windows. She's gone." Haechan states.

Jisung had figured something like that had happened. It would be unlikely that someone had kidnapped her again, since at least one of the others were by the exits for anyone to drag her away.

The three agree to get out of there and find Yeri along with the others. It didn't take them long to find an adequate exit for them to escape. The place was eerily quiet, Haechan had noticed. There was definitely way more guys outside when they had first arrived and they didn't face that many inside. So where were the rest?

Haechan decided to send Mark a text to meet them by the side entrance they were at. Something wasn't right, so it would be best to have a quick get away for the group.

Except, as soon as they open the heavy, metal doors, half a dozen men had their guns all targeted at them. It was a trap. He knew something was wrong.

"Lee Donghyuck, in my presence? To what do I owe the honor?" The group turns abruptly to find a tall, burly man in a leather jacket and piercings all over his face.

Haechan could feel his heart begin racing as he swallows the lump in his throat, leaving his mouth dry. He wished he was done with his past, but it seemed to be impossible, as it was always showing up in front of him.

He furrows his eyebrows, unsure of who this man was and how he knew his name.

"I'm glad you could join us, but unfortunately this meeting has to be cut short since I had orders to kill you."

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