Chapter 8

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"There's a super here." Haechan was barely in the doorway of Yeri's possible future apartment when Haechan made his announcement.

"Hello to you, too." Yeri closes the door behind him as he walks through the entrance completely. He glances around at the place.

The main room was the first thing you could see walking in and it was really spacious, especially since there wasn't any furniture placed. There was a high ceiling and a sliding door that lead to a balcony. The view from the street was visible, but just far enough that no one could look inside if they had the blinds open.

"This place is alright, kind of boring if you ask me," Haechan says while looking at the blank, white walls. Yeri rolls her eyes, but shows him the rest of the place anyways.

There were three bedrooms and one large bathroom. It seemed like the place kept expanding the further he went down the hall. "Okay maybe this place is pretty big. Are you going to buy it?" Haechan asks, while returning to the main room with Yeri in tow.

"I already signed the lease and talked it over with the apartment manager. They said I could move in as soon as I wanted." Yeri says, with a bit of excitement in her voice. "Now, what were you saying about a super being here? I don't remember hearing anything unusual here."

Haechan breaks away from his stare out the sliding door and looks back at Yeri. "Some kids were pranking me, but one of them made ice appear on the stairs when I was walking up them and it made me fall. I moved the couch on them in retaliation, which they weren't happy about."

"Wait, wait," Yeri stops the younger. "Did you say you fell walking up the stairs?" She bursts out laughing causing Haechan to roll his eyes. He didn't seem to think it was that funny, but because it caused Haechan to gain embarrassment, it was hilarious to the older.

"Whatever, now can you do your weird hearing thing and find this kid? I want an apology." Haechan didn't let her respond since he was already walking towards the door. Yeri was annoyed that she didn't have a choice in the matter, but it was quickly covered by the excitement of finding a super already. They weren't expecting to come across anymore for at least awhile, but luck was on their side.

They decided to start in the main lobby and work their way from there. It shouldn't take Yeri too much time to identify the specific noise she was searching for. It took a good amount of years for her to train herself to focus on any specific sound and to block out the others.

"He's not here," Yeri announces after a long while of straining her ears. She made sure to really be specific on the heartbeats and voices of anyone that seemed to be the suspect. All that she had gotten was tv interference and normal human heartbeats.

Haechan grumbles in disappointment. "I hope he lives here. I don't want to have to go on a wild goose hunt for some kid."

"Why do you sound so annoyed? Was it that bad of an interaction?" Yeri asks, beginning the walk to the front entrance. Since they had done everything they needed to do for the apartment, she figured they would leave for the day.

"Yeah, they made me look like a fool." Haechan wasn't really that mad at what happened, but rather disappointed because he wanted to meet another person with powers. He really hoped they lived in this apartment as well. That way they would be easy to locate again, if they ever came across the group.

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