Chapter 12

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It hadn't been something Felix had planned to happen, he didn't even know that someone was following him home, but he should have been more wary of his surroundings. Now his family was in danger.

How could he have been so careless walking home? All he needed to do was buy some milk from the nearby convenience store and that was it. When he got home, he went to the kitchen to obviously put away the milk. He was too in his thoughts to hear that his door hadn't shut completely.

It wasn't until the sound of muffled footsteps inching their way into the home and it wasn't until the sound of multiple screams drowned out that Felix had fully realized what was happening. His anxiety had taken the best of him and all he thought to do was hide. He felt like a coward.

It was only Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin home at the moment. So, that meant that one of them was just taken hostage. He worried most about if it was his brother. Of course, he was worried for the others, but when it came down to it, it was him and his brother against the world.

The apartment stilled in silence once the intruders left, Felix's heart beating a mile a minute and tears brimming his eyes. His feet finally stopped being paralyzed and he sprints out the front door, except no one was to be found. They seemed to have left quickly. Felix runs back into his home, shouting out to anyone. He hoped there was someone, anyone. He didn't want to be alone right now.

To his misfortune, no voices called back. Why was he so stupid?! He just let them escape! Stupid, stupid, stupid, was all Felix could think to himself.


She has to be able to help. She's the only one who can. Sure it had only been a week since they last talked and ended on bad terms, but the hard feelings would need to be put aside for this emergency.

He lets his feet move him, sprinting down the corridor and up the stairs. His mind was so fogged up with panic and terror that he couldn't think clearly on where to go.

Was it the third door on the right or was it the third to last door on the right? It was confusing him and in his fragile state of mind, he decided on the first option, crossing his fingers in hopes that he was correct.

His answer came immediately as a panic stricken Yeri answers the door from the panic stricken Felix's incessant knocks.

"Felix? Are you okay? What happened?" Yeri's eyebrows creased together tightly as she ushered the boy into her home.

His lungs seemed to struggle to push air in and out of him, so his voice came out in puffs of short words. "They took them. I don't know what to do. They took them. They're all gone."

"Okay, Felix, your heart is racing at an extreme rate you need to breathe for a second. Now, who is gone?" After some proper breathing techniques done, Felix was able to explain the situation. The tears flooded his eyes and the panic still hadn't seem to calm.

"I'll call Haechan, he can help us track whoever this is. Also, the more supers we have the better." She calls Hyeongjun over as well, who despite not saying anything, immediately agreed to help. Haechan had also said he would be over immediately and had a worried Mark in tow, as well.

It took a couple of minutes for Yeri to search for the fire-powered super's heart beat since it wasn't near by. The sound was also muted by the surrounding noises of life and everything going on around the boy. It resulted in a huge headache from the strenuous amount of power used, but she pushed through it. She wouldn't stop until she found them.

Haechan and Mark were over immediately, so by the time she managed to track down Jisung, they were all ready to hunt down the kidnappers.

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