Chapter 4

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"Haechan," Mark shouts out to them. "Taeyong wants to meet him."

The group of guys were all playing with Bella in contentment, laughing at everything she would do. When they heard Mark's statement, they all got up to go back inside with Bella following. Hyeongjun and Haechan walk together again, in front of everyone. It was a bit nerve wrecking to the younger, but he stayed right next to Haechan.

Right when they entered the house, they had to pass through the kitchen where, unfortunately, everyone was at. Just walk right through, Haechan thought. He could feel Hyeongjun's hand tighten around the older's as they came into sight of everyone else.

"Small child! Haechan you're a father now? Awww!" Johnny shouted.

Haechan kept his tight grip on his hand, but then, everyone in the kitchen started to walk forward to meet the younger.

"Hey guys, this is Hyeongjun, but please don't get too crazy," he pleaded, but it seemed to go ignored. Chenle, being the loud one that he is, followed by Jungwoo and Yuta, all crowed him and coo at him. Chenle wraps his arm around the younger.

"Please, guys, can you not do that?" Haechan was trying to get them to stop, but some of them were talking over him.

Hyeongjun could feel his heart begin racing and it seemed like the walls were closing in on himself. There were too many people, all in his face. Who were these strangers?! They could want to kill him, he didn't know, but the terror fell on him all at once as no one was backing away.

His protective instinct kicked in and he fell to the ground in a crouched fetal position. His breathing was rapid, but then all of a sudden, he lets out a sob that mixed with a scream. It was all too much for him and he couldn't handle it. That silenced everyone.

He had his eyes clenched shut so he could block everyone out and clamped his hands over his ears. All he wanted was for it to be over. No more pain, please, was all he thought. An electric feeling flew through him, the instinct to defend himself, was high.

Someone wraps him in their arms, and at first he didn't know where he was. His first thought was the lab people had him held down again, so he thrashed against the attacker.

"Hyeongjun, hey, it's me. It's Haechan, please calm down. You're safe."

Haechan. The boy who was safety.

Hyeongjun stops moving and slowly opens his eyes, taking in his surroundings. He was okay. No lab.

"I'm-I'm sorry," Hyeongjun croaks out quietly.

Haechan only shushes him in a soothing manner, still holding him in a hug.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

Everyone stills, Hyeongjun began breathing heavily again. Haechan quickly notices this and runs him out of the room, while still holding him. Safety, that's what was important for the younger right now.

Haechan finds Taeyong's office right away, remembering that it was next to Kun's from the day before, and sets Hyeongjun in a seat. It was scary to see him like that, but even so, he related to that feeling. The trauma they both went through, at the labs they were from, were enough to make someone go insane from the anxiety and pain. They found help, though, and escaped the hell.

"So, you have an electrical power?" Haechan asks, after Hyeongjun visibly calmed.

Superhuman: Finding the Supers (sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz