Chapter 16

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Haechan's voice coming around the corner of a nearby hallway seemed to fill the small boy with relief.

He still didn't move, however. The event that just occurred had him shaken up.

Haechan's face enters his vision, as the older crouches in front of him. "Hey, what happened? Are you okay? Did you do that?"

The only response he gives is a shaky nod and Haechan takes this as a good sign. He didn't even know how he managed to lose the younger, but when Haechan heard the scream, he tried to find him as fast as he could.

"I think I know where the others could be. We have to hurry. There are still bad guys here." Hyeongjun takes hold of the older's hand, this time making sure they don't lose each other again.

The two kept finding themselves at dead ends. Every hallway seemed to look the same and nothing pointed them in the right direction. Before the frustration started to seep in, a scream sounded nearby. They concluded that that could be the direction they needed to go in.

Without thinking twice, they both sprint to the source, finding Yeri and Felix leaning against the wall at the end of the hall. Yeri waves them over, before sneaking a peak around the corner. Haechan assumed that there was a room on the other side, which could be their destination goal.

"This place is crawling with these assholes. We haven't found a way to get in yet without getting caught," Yeri whispers to Haechan. The latter was still discreetly observing the scene even though it was a bit away from them to properly see what was happening. One of the hostages had screamed again, something similar to the sound they heard earlier.

A girl sat besides the group of boys they were in search of. It looked as if one of the bad guys held something against her, but it wasn't clear. All Haechan knew was they were torturing her painfully. He feels a hand rest on his arm, so he turns to Yeri. "She's another super. We have to get her out of here, too."

Yeri pauses, a strange look crossing over her face. "Fire, I smell fire. Holy shit, they're using a branding iron on her." All four of them peak their heads to look out and sure enough, she had a bright red mark on her arm.

The one who seemed to be leading this function, whispers something to the guy next to him, before walking over to where Jisung was sat tied up. He still held the iron bar in his hand.

It broke Felix, seeing tears streaming harshly down the faces of Jeongin and Seungmin. They were too innocent for something like this and he hated that they were here.

Jisung begins shaking his chains, making any attempt to loosen their hold on his arms. "You're a fucking psycho, stealing kids from their own home. I could kill you in one hit using my fire. Just you wait, as soon as-" The man cuts him off, "Shut up! I could easily kill you right now."

Once the man lifted the iron bar closer to Jisung, Felix pushes forward while still concealing his presence. The four hidden supers watch as the branding iron slowly turns into ice, completely burning the man's hand from the frost bite.

They could hear the men grumbling in confusion as the guy with the iron bar drops it to the ground immediately to relieve the pain from the ice. He was confused and angry. "What the fuck did you do?!"

He goes to pick up the branding iron, once again, as soon as he notices the ice had disappeared and wields it as a melee weapon instead of its original use.

"Try it again, I dare you. " Felix's already deep voice, had deepened even lower from anger.

Everyone in the room turns to Felix, weapons all aimed ready at him. Silence overtook the whole scene as Haechan, Hyeongjun, and Yeri reveal themselves, as well. They had noticed that there were only four hostages chained up in chairs. It was still four too many.

"Who the fuck are you?" The man they assumed to be in charge had spun around angrily to face the intruders.

As soon as he was caught off guard, Hyeongjun decided to secretly pull a stunt of his own. With as much concentration as he could muster, he manipulates the iron bar to stretch and grow so that it would twist around the man's hand, wrapping up his arm until there was no more bar left to twist.

"Someone help! Don't just fucking stand there!"

Haechan snickered at this, watching as the man struggled to pull the bar off of his arm. He decided to take advantage of the second distraction by dealing with the chains on the ones they were trying to save. So, with the help of his telekinesis, the hostages were freed with ease from captivity.

Except, at that moment, the right hand man had turned his attention towards the group of kids they were supposed to be keeping hostage. "Hey, boss?"

"WHAT?!" He aggressively turns his attention to the other man, before turning around again. The anger spewed in him as he saw the two supers stand up from their chairs, followed by a flash of fear that crossed his face once he sees Jisung's hand catch fire. This reaction only fueled the excitement growing in Jisung.

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