Chapter 10

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"Haechan, I need you to run to the store for me, please?" Yeri asked. She had been unpacking most of the time that the two younger ones had been there. With a sigh, he stands up from his spot on the floor.

He was glad the store wasn't very far because this town was still very new to him. It was a small hardware store that he was going to, but everything in there was so foreign to him. Things would be a lot easier for him if he just asked for some help from the store worker, but strangers were still hard for him to talk to. So, he had to hope he was getting the right stuff that Yeri asked for.

When he finally made it back, he felt like he had just ran a marathon. The two bags he was holding felt like a ton. Yeri better give him food for this as a thank you.

He stops in front of the main door, struggling to get both bags on one arm so that he could unlock the door with the code. It was like the bags decided to mess with him and get tangled because he stood there for a good five minutes trying to get his bags situated. By the time he was able to finally have a hand free, the door opens. Well, that was easy, he thinks to himself.

"You look like you're struggling." Haechan looks up to find a boy about his age standing there, holding the door open for him.

Haechan lets out a small awkward laugh. "I guess you could say that. Thank you for the door."

He walks in and the boy follows him in.

"I'm Felix. I think I saw you the other day." Haechan slows his walk and turns to him in question. "Oh, yeah, I should also apologize about that day. My friends dared me to leave ice on the steps. I didn't want to, but they kept pestering me to."

This halts Haechan from walking any further. The super he was looking for.

"So, you have the ability to form ice?" Haechan asks. He was slightly hesitant about talking about it in public, if someone were to hear on accident.

Felix pauses for a moment, thinking about if he can trust this guy he just met. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. You had some power, too, right? That's how you moved the couch on us?"

Haechan nods in response. "I have telekinesis and teleportation. Are you a lab breakout as well?" Felix nods.

"Hey, do you wanna come over? I feel a little uncomfortable talking about this out loud. The people who live here aren't to be trusted." Felix explains, pulling the sleeves to his hoodie down past his hands.

Haechan quickly agrees, also saying how he needed to drop his bags off at Yeri's apartment. After he ran up the steps and to the apartment door, he found Yeri in one of the bedrooms hanging something on the wall. He threw the bags on the floor and yelled about how he was meeting the neighbors. Hopefully, she'll understand that he found the super he was looking for.

He makes his way back to the main lobby where Felix was currently sat on one of the couches, playing with his phone. When he hears Haechan approaching, he puts his phone in his pocket and leads them down the hall, the opposite direction he would go to if he was walking to Yeri's.

The moment the other boy unlocks the door, a loud shout stops them. "Felix?! Is that you?!"

"Yeah, Chan, it's me," he shouts back. Felix leads him further into the apartment. It was exactly like Yeri's, but everything was flipped the opposite way.

"Whomst the fuck?" A voice makes Haechan jolt from surprise. He turns to find another guy around his age, as well. Haechan remembers him from the other day.

Felix turns to the owner of the voice and then back to Haechan. "Don't mind him. That's Jisung, my brother. Jisung, this is-" Felix pauses, realizing he never got the new person's name.

Haechan responds with his name and Felix nods. "This is Haechan. He was the guy we played the prank on the other day, who also has powers like us."

The word 'us' of Felix's statement intrigues Haechan. So, Yeri was right when she said there were two here.

"How can we be so sure to trust him, Lix? How do we know he's not going to turn us in like what happened last time?" Jisung glares menacingly at Haechan, but to the latter, it seemed like a baby trying to pout with how big his cheeks were.

Felix turns to Haechan with a bored expression, "Are you here to turn us in?" That receives a shake of the others head. "See? We're fine. He's one of us, a runaway."

Jisung still had a skeptical face on, but seemed to accept it anyways. "What are your powers? I can burn you down in one shot of fire if you even so think about doing something against us."

Quickly shaking his head, Haechan grows wide eyed. Fire and ice, both brothers as well. He found that to be really interesting.

"You already can guess, but I have telekinesis, along with teleportation." At this point, they all got comfy on the couches set up in their small living room. "That's how I was able to break out of the lab I was in."

"Woah!" Jisung looks at him in awe. "The lab didn't keep restraints on you? Or guard you 25/7?! Ours was locked down at night."

He merely shakes his head, explaining how there were parts of the building that restricted his use of power, but he was able to easily teleport out of his lab.

"How long were you on the run for? Or are you still on the run?" This time it was Felix who let out his curiosity.

"No," Haechan pauses for a moment. "I killed the person who was after me, but I was on the run for about a year or so, I think."

"We're still on the run technically. Wait, you killed the person who was after you?! Damn, I wish." Jisung's words caused Felix to give him a disapproving shake of his head.

They continued getting to know each other, talking about how the other two broke out, finding Chan and the others, and how there were two other supers that were friends with Haechan.

It was easy to tell that Felix and Jisung were relieved that they had others that were like them. Chan and their small group of friends were all outsiders, so they stuck with each other, but it was different and more relieving to have someone who went through almost the same thing as them.

"Wait, can we meet your friends?" Felix asks Haechan after awhile. It could probably be good for them to meet Yeri, Haechan thinks. Maybe she could help them out since they would be living in the same building. So, Haechan nods and takes them to the older's apartment.

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