Chapter 23

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No one at the police station had gotten back to Jaehyun for an entire 48 hours so Taeyong decided it would be best to just visit the location in person. He had ways around everything and got things done. It was one of the many skills that made him the leader.

It was decided that Taeyong, Haechan, and Shotaro would make the trip, as they didn't want to cause more of a scene than they needed.

The police station was a lot further than they had anticipated, but they managed to arrive before the public hours were over.

The building wasn't the biggest and it looked almost vacant. They would have assumed it was if it hadn't been for the small amount of scattered cars parked in front of the building.

Haechan found it odd that they would have a police station out in the middle of no where, but didn't think much of it. He simply follows behind Taeyong, with Shotaro by his side, as the older saunters up to the entrance with a cool facade and his face covered by a pair of dark sunglasses.

"I'll do the talking, don't worry," Taeyong speaks up without looking at the younger two behind him.

They approach the small entrance of the police station and Taeyong pulls the handle of the door so it swings open wide.

The loud bang of the heavy door ricocheting off the wall startles Haechan slightly, but he was thankful no one was around to see him jump from the scare.

His assumptions were soon proven wrong as they turn the corner to find a front desk, where an older lady was giving them a look of reproach.

"Can I help you?" The tone in her voice was thick with judgement and disgust. Haechan instantly disliked her.

The small thought of letting his powers slip slightly was tempting him like a demon on his shoulder. Maybe just a slight bump to the cup of pens and knocking them to the floor, or possibly a fake wind blowing all of the papers off her desk. He chuckles to himself at the thought of such mischievous behavior.

"You need to take off your sunglasses. It's safety protocol." The lady strictly informs Taeyong to which he responds with a simple, "Fuck off."

"Excuse me?!" The high pitch shrill in the receptionist's voice made Haechan want to throw a pen at her.

"I'll handle this, Judy. Thank you," a voice interrupts the rowdy discourse. A man dressed in an official police uniform walks up to the group, a look lack of amusement placed on his face. Haechan found him to be intimidating to say the least.

He leads their group of three through a door behind the counter and into a hall full of vacant offices and cubicles. It was a bit concerning as to where the man was taking them. Haechan could tell Taeyong was on guard and ready to take on whatever, if anything were to happen out of the blue.

As soon as they approach a specific desk in the back corner of the room, the officer sits down in the chair and looks up at the oldest of the group.

"I've heard of you," he starts off. The confusion rolled through the air between the younger three of the four. "You're the big talk when districts come together for meetings. I'm surprised you're not wearing your fancy mask right now, the neon one with the x's for eyes. It's unique, I have to give you that."

Taeyong scoffs at the man's words. Not wanting to show any weakness.

This causes the officer to chuckle. "What do I owe this honor of your presence? What brings you to my small little station?"

"We want to know how we can find this lady." Taeyong pulls out the printed screenshot they acquired from the surveillance video they had seen with Shotaro's mom, along with a missing child poster with a child version of Shotaro front and center.

The man lets out a long puff of air as he surveys the papers placed in front of him. "Yeah, no can do. We closed that case years ago."

"Reopen it," Taeyong tries. The officer makes a thinking face, before shaking his head.

"Can't reopen it and cannot give out any information. It's illegal to do so. Now if you excuse me-" Taeyong cuts the man off from finishing his sentence by taking out a small stack of rectangular paper.

Haechan concluded there had to be hundreds of dollars in that small stack. The man eyes it carefully before dragging the money to his side of the desk.

"Give me a moment to make a call," he says.

It doesn't take long for him to get off the call, talking quickly and quietly to whoever was on the other line.

"So, I have bad news. The number that she gave us when she was here, is not in service anymore, but this is the town that she was from at the time. Try there if you can. That's all I can give you."

Taeyong nods in response. Nothing more was said and there was a silent agreeance that the small meeting between the four had finished.

The younger two follow as Taeyong makes his way out of the office area and towards the exit of the building. Haechan could tell he didn't want anything more with the police. He could understand why.

On the way out, Haechan decides to let the little demon on his shoulder win for a second. So, without looking, he uses his telekinetic skills and knocks over the cup of pens onto the floor.

"What the hell?!" Haechan could hear from the receptionist as the three exit the building completely.

"Haechan, as much as I appreciate you wanting to cause a problem, we need them on our side for this moment." Taeyong doesn't look at him, but keeps walking them to their car. It causes Haechan to giggle himself and the three head back home finally.

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