Chapter 6

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The next day, Taeyong made sure to give everyone a long berating for behaving like how they were to Hyeongjun. It was pretty funny for Haechan to see everyone scared of their leader, the same one who likes cuddling and coos at cute animals.

It wasn't a very exciting day, as Mark decided to take Haechan to get some clothes and other essentials he didn't have if he was going to live there now.

The two were worried about leaving Hyeongjun by himself in the house since no one was really home, but they were grateful when Jaehyun and Doyoung said they would keep an eye on the younger. Their trip wouldn't be long, but Haechan only wanted Hyeongjun to not be scared.

Hyeongjun hadn't left the gaming room he was residing in for the moment. He kind of liked the room and everything that was in it. It was exciting to be in, but he just wished he knew how to play the games. They seemed like they would be fun.

Back home, Hyeongjun remembers how the kids at school always talked about video games, but no one liked him enough to invite him over to play. Maybe if he wasn't so weird, he thinks to himself, they would like him.

A knock breaks him out of his thoughts. His heartbeat begins to race, not sure of who was behind the door to the room. Maybe it was just Haechan.

His answer was immediately revealed, as a mysterious head peaks through the small opening of the door. Hyeongjun didn't remember this person so his heart started racing even more. The fear began to take over his mind as his eyes widen.

"Hey, no, it's okay. I'm Doyoung. Haechan told me to check up on you. I'm a friend, I promise." His voice seemed comforting and calm. This eased the younger a bit, his heartbeat slowing down just slightly.

"Can I come in?" The older asks, while slowly easing himself in the door. Hyeongjun figured he wasn't there to hurt him so he slowly nods his head.

Doyoung smiles encouragingly as he closes the door behind him. The younger just watches his movements as he walks over to the tv with some of the gaming systems surrounding it.

"You ever play Mario Kart?" The older asks, which gets him a shake of the younger's head in response. Doyoung seemed a bit surprised by the response. Hyeongjun was confused by the name of the game, but he was kind of excited and curious to find out.

The older grabs a couple of objects and sets up the system to connect to the tv. He hands the younger a small controller and immediately starts explaining all of the controls and how to play the seemingly easy game. The younger was confused, but eager either way.

"Okay, I'll choose the map and you choose your character," Doyoung says, as the game begins.

After finally deciding on the details for the race, they began. Hyeongjun was struggling to remember everything he was told, but he seemed to be doing alright, since the number in the corner said 5th.

"You know, Hyeongjun," Doyoung begins, pausing his words to shout at the screen when a turtle shell hit his car. "You're a lot like how Haechan was when he first came here. He was terrified of everyone. Mark seemed to be the only one he clung to, oh and Taeyong."

Hyeongjun bit his lip, thinking about how he clung to the older. Was it a bad thing that he only really felt okay with Haechan? His thoughts were continuously jumping back to the thought of what if everyone wanted to kill him like the people from the lab. He couldn't even trust his own family apparently.

In this moment, however, he knew he wasn't in danger. Doyoung only wanted to make him feel more comfortable here and Hyeongjun was grateful for a sense of relief from the anxiety.

He lost focus for a moment, as Doyoung's shout distracted him. He ended up crashing into a cow on the farm road. It confused the younger, but then he let out a small laugh as he drives around it. "Stupid cow," he mumbles to himself, which causes Doyoung to burst out laughing.

It wasn't much, but this moment was everything Hyeongjun needed to escape from reality for a bit.

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