"Why- What have you done to Ginny?" Celeste asked and he looked down at the sleeping girl.

"Just- an attachment she had to me- really not a big fan of it I assume, since she's losing life" Tom says

"Why- am I here?" Celeste asked and the Tom neared her.

"You remind me of a girl I once knew" Tom says simply, Celeste had her back against the wall.

"But I'm not her" Celeste says

"I know" He said as he looked down at her hands before grabbing her face 

"Of course I would- I was the one that.." He looked at her eyes "Killed her"

"K-Killed?!" Celeste asked "W-Why?"

Celeste felt like she was going to get killed too, he seemed to suspicious for her own good, and she's 13 for god sakes.

"She knew too much about me" Tom says "She was going to die anyways- she was too pure, too innocent for me"

"But she was captivating- she knew me- I let out my greatest fears to her" Tom says "Always understood me- I see her in your eyes"

"W-What are you going to do" Celeste asks, she was going to break out into cold sweat if he kept this up

"What I did to her-" Tom grinned "She had a power over most of the people in the school- everyone loved her"

"But she chose me" Tom says "They didn't stop though, no.. they thought I wasn't enough for her"

"Like those peasants can even keep up with her" Tom scoffs "So.. I killed her- afraid that she would choose someone else"

"If I can't have her- then nobody can" He grinned before grabbing the ring on Celeste's finger and images and memories flashed through her eyes. 

A girl stood by the Great Hall- her curled black hair resting comfortably on her shoulders. Her silvery dazzling eyes- anyone would fall for her. She had a rare and diversitised beauty. Her slender body was hugged by a black turtle neck, jeans covered her long legs- it must've been during the Spring. She was watching the autumn leaves fall gracefully as she had her beige trench coat folded on her arms. 

Yet, Celeste felt rage- then she realized that the girl was talking to someone, another boy. He seemed to be taller than her by a few inches- he was admirably handsome, gingery messy hair, pale blue eyes and broad shoulders that matched his well-built yet slim figure. 

"Why would Lucretia ever say that, Ignatius?" Her honey coated voice laughed- it was mesmerizing

"I wouldn't know either" The boy sighed- his voice seemed hoarse but rather comforting.

"Well- I must leave, Tom must be expecti-"

"Come on Adhara! We haven't hung out properly in ages!"

"I can't do anything about that Ignatius- me and Tom already planned to meet" Adhara looked at the boy with a frown and he sighed before tucking a stray black hair behind her ear.

"I'm-I'm not sure if he's good enough for you, you look etheral- and he's a bit obsessed with the dark arts- don't you think so too?"  Ignatius asks

"Walburga, Alphard and Cygnus thinks he's fine- you know I love him" Her starry eyes connected with his

"You know his hatred- for muggleborns right?" He asks and the girl nodded slightly nibbling on her lips.

"Yes- but we all have faults in our stars." She looked to the trees before she turned back to him "But he-he promised that he'll treat me well- I know he will- I trust him"

𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | Harry PotterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu