Die From a Broken Heart (Catra x Glimmer)

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Glimmer bit her lip, watchting her girlfriend pace back and fourth.

"This is the fifth time this week Glimmer! I'm starting to think you two have something going on!" Catra looked at the girl. "What's going on?!"

"Nothing! Catra I swear!" She moved from her spot on the floor. A red stain on her white dress. She was kinda disappointed since it was her favorite dress.

"I saw you two! You were all touchy, he was holding you Glimmer!"

"I swear! We've been friends since kindergarten! Nothing is going on, I love you! Only you! You know this!" She squealed and grabbed the cat girls hand. "Please, come on,"

Catra pulled her hand away and sighed. She made her way to the door, she could hear Glimmers dress sway, making that sounds fabric makes when it rubs on itself.

She swung the front door open, slamming it behind her. She could hear the small gasp from Glimmer. She wiped her tears as she angrily got into the car, taking off down the block.

Glimmer watched Catra slam the door. She felt the house shake, the door not staying in place and flying back open. She gasped softly. Watchting hopelessly as Catra drive away.

She was alone.


It was like this every Friday. She would go out with Bow, they would get caught cuddling or just laughing, Catra would over react and then storm out, leaving Glimmer to suffer alone over the weekend.

If we were being honest, Glimmers has almost had enough of all of her shit. Ready to pack her bags and head out.

But she can't just leave the love of her life behind.

She knew the both of them had issues..they just need to work through said issues.

Glimmer gave up on trying to make the door close properly. She grabbed the kitchen chair and pushed it under the door knob. Wiping her tear and heading up to bed.

The sheets were still a mess from neither of them wanting to do any of their chores at the moment.

She looked at herself in the mirror and slipped off the wine stained dress. Throwing it on the dresser to deal with while she was talking to mother.

After dressing into some PJs, she sat on the bed, bring a pillow to her face, and spilling her tears into it.

Heart wrenching sobs filled the silent room. She just wanted things to be prefect. Catra was the love her life and she couldn't just...WALK out. It was too hard for her to even raise her voice at the girl.

She knew Catra loved her. Catra had to love her. You can't just date someone and hate them....Can you?

Once she was dried from any tears that wanted to come out, she grabbed her phone. Missed calls from Bow, text messages from Adora.

She ignored them, going to her mother's phone number and calling. It rung a few times before a voice was yelling at someone to turn the tv down.


"Mama," Her voice broke again, she hunched over the makeup stained pillow and chocked on the word.

"Oh baby, I'm here..."

"I need help. I-i uh- I got wine on that dress," She muttered. Taking the fabric in her hand and and touching the light pink stain. "A-and tell dad to come and look at my front door?"

Angella sighed. "Baby, you gotta stop getting into these messes,"

"I know mom...I know..." She bit her lip and shook he read. "I can't leave her...I love her. So much,"

Her mother shook her head. "Will be over tomorrow babes,"

"Thank you, And make sure dad keeps his gun in the drawer?"

"Of course..." Angella looked at the time. "Stay on call with me..."

Glimmer smiled. "Of course momma,"

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