Our Own Problems (2 Ships)

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Ships including:
Bow x Glimmer
Catra x Adora

The war was over. Everyone was happy, nothing was after them, no one to fight. They just had a lot of rebuilding to do. She-ra was able to fix most of the major princesses' homes.

Everyone went home that night. It was an unspoken thing between them all, hugging and then leaving without another word, plus they would all see each other soon.

Bow x Glimmer

Glimmer open the castle door slowly, it was just her and Bow seeing as Catra and Adora took a walk into the woods. Glimmer smiled, the feeling of not having to fight anyone was starting to settle into her. Her other problems pushed to the back of her head.

Bow took her hand in his and spun her around, the doors closing behind them made a loud noise but neither of them cared, they had each other and that's all they needed.

Glimmer smiled as Bow dipped her, stealing a quick kiss from her. She smiled more. Being home, with Bow, the lover her life was just a dream coming true.

When night time feel the two went to their room. Words were barely spoken as they got into bed, the events of everything hunted the two. Glimmer was more horrified than Bow if anything.

They laid backs against each other at first, until Bow decided to move and wrap an arm around her. "Glim?"

Glimmers' eyes filled with tears, she closed her eyes tightly and held on to Bow for dear life. "Im sorry...Im so sorry, all of this is my fault, everyone has the right to be mad at me,"

Bow frowned slightly and kissed her cheek. "Hey, hey..it okay...everything's okay," she sat up and watched as Bow laid on his back, opening his arms for her.

She laid on him and cried into his bare chest. "I can't even be a proper Queen without getting us all in trouble. Why do you love me Bow? Im controlling, and get jealous easily,"

"I love you for you Glimmer, even when your controlling or jealous, those are things we can work on, plus if you ask me, you've gotten better at both of those," He let his fingertips lightly ghost her bareback. The two were in nothing but pants, but neither of them cared.

She wiped her tears and laid in silence, which Bow was okay with, they needed to think things over, winning a war that took years to win was a very hard pill to swallow.



Glimmer didn't look at him, she stared out the window, tears still rushing down like waterfalls. "I love you,"

Bow ran his hands through her hair. "I love you,"

They spent that night holding each other, Glimmer crying, and Bow letting her let it out. Life is hard and sometimes you just need a good cry, Bow understood.

Catra x Adora

Catra hated it. She hated sleeping. It was the worst thing in the world for her. It brought nothing but flashing dreams of Horde prime, hurting Adora and being left behind to die.

Catra shot up with a scream. Her hand rushing to claw at the back of her neck. When she felt nothing she looked around in fear. She was in her clothes still, Adora sound asleep next to her, sleep fighting or something, Catra was way too scared to care.

She calmed down a bit, but her mind kept flashing, her hand going back to her neck, a scar laid there. The ragged skin was a reminder she lost, she was weak, that she is only for people to go and use her.

Red blood rushed out of her neck, she scratched a little too hard, she didn't care though. Bleeding was just a sign she was still stuck on this horrible planet.

Adora woke up to the sound of whimpering. It was a very faint sound but it echoed. She sat up slowly and looked around. The moonlight shined against the fresh blood, it laid on the bed, but the only thing she cared about was Catra.

She quickly got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. Catra sat in the shower, hands on the back of her neck as she cried. The water ran red as it went down the drain.

Adora threw open the glass door, turned off the water, and stepped in with her. "Catra?"

The feline looked up, eyes softened when she saw Adora.

"Let's get you out of here," the two stood up and got. Adora fixed catra up and the two went to lay in bed.

Catra cuddled closer to her girlfriend and fell asleep. The nightmares didn't leave her, she was left to whimper and make little noises as they flashed. Adora knew the only best thing she could do was hold her close and try to calm her down, so that's was she did for the rest of the night, she wouldn't do anything else.

I look pretty good for a dead bitch.

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