Worst Mom Award (Catradora)

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The cries of a baby woke up Catra from her nap. She went to hit Adora to go take care of if but was meet with a empty bed and a note, saying she went out for a bit with Glimmer and Bow.

"Ugh..." She laid for two more seconds before the screams got louder. "Okay...okay..Im coming,"

She stood up slowly and made her way to her daughter. "Why must you cry when mommy's gone? I'm not the best mom..you know that.." Catra picked up the baby and held her close.

The baby only cried out more. Fear settled in her stomach. "Please don't cry...Im sorry.."

"I'm not the best mom..why are you crying? Are you hungry? Do you wanna play? I don't understand," Catra began letting go of her own set of tears.

The baby cried more and louder than she ever has before. Maybe it was from the lack of not getting what she wanted or maybe it had to do with Catra crying herself.

"Catra? Woah...what going on in here?" The 8ft tall warrior walked in and looked at the two.

"I-I" she moved the baby into her wife's hands and ran off.

She-ra sighed softly and she rocked the baby slowly. Its cries went to soft whimpers and eventually she fell back asleep. The warrior smiled and put her back to bed.

"Now Catra," Adora made her way back into her from and set off to find her wife. "Come on Catra.."

"P-please just take her...You both need someone better.." Catra's voice broke as she spoke.

"You know that's not true...Come out for me?" Adora watched her tail flicker and her slowly come out. She was quick to hold her wife close and kiss her. "My little kitten...I love you so much..So does Mara...we have no idea what we would do without you.."

Catra didn't speak. She only cuddled into her wife and quietly cried. "Don't wanna speak? That's okay....Lets go back to the room and I'll show you how much she loves you...deal?"

"I can't go in there...she hates me.."

"She does not...She was just a grumpy..that's all.."

Catra didn't complain when her wife lead her back to the room to show her just how much Mara and Adroa, herself, loved Catra for who she is.

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