Glimmer X Bow

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It's been a couple years since the world was back to normal, since She-ra saved them all from the evil. Glimmer was still queen of Bright Moon, her father decided to live within the village, leaving Bow, Adora, Catra, and herself to live within the castle.

"Glimmer?" The queen looked up from her work, something about a near by village having troubles with some body of water.

"Bow?" She laughed and put the paper work down. She made her way out of the room, into the hallway.

"There you are!" Bow hugged her. The two laughed and held each other close.

"What's up with you?" She smiled and pulled away, she looked into his eyes lovingly, the two have slowly gotten closer since the whole world almost disappearing.

"Well! Adora and Catra are going on a date to a new restaurant in the bay light village and asked if we wanted to come," he blushed while looking at her.

"A date?" She looked back at her work, "I don't know Bow,"

"Come on Glimmer," he held her hands and gave his best begging eyes.

"Ugh fine,"

"Yes," he moved his hand and held her face, he snagged a quick kiss from her and hugged her one last time. "I love you!"

She stood in the middle of the hall, holding her cheek and watched him run off. "I love you too," she laughed.

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