What? (Hordak X Entrapta) Part 2

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Hordak was doing what he did on a normal day after the war. which was picking up around the fright zone with Scropia. it was suggested by Glimmer (Queen if you will) who said it would be better if everyone cleaned it as some type of community work.

He was on his way to the castle to pick up Entrapta. It wasn't that he trusted her alone at their home, she's been a little out of it the last few days so he didn't trust her alone.

when he got there he didn't expect to see her crying, arms flapping and the worried looks of Bow and her other friends.

"Catra! I can't believe you!" Glimmer was yelling.

"It wasn't my fault I didn't know she was going to do that! I always knew something was up with her, But I didn't think it was autism!"

Entrapta looked worried, sick even. she was muttering about something. her hands pulling at her hair or hitting her. no one was paying attention to her. they didn't see the black eye or the bloody lip.

She could care less. It was so bright and loud, with Bows constant remained to Adora that she can't just fix this, and Glimmers yelling, she just wanted to smash her brain out."What is going on here?" Hordak spoke up, looking at them all and then Glimmer. "Care to explain?"

Catra backed down, running to hide behind Adora. Bow approached Glimmer taking her hand in his. Entrapta still doing her thing.

"Catra decided to tease Entrapta," The queen glared and rolled her eyes. "Now Entrapta is having a meltdown, we talked with the medics and they said this should last long...Then again they haven't dealt with this before..." Her voice softens.

Etrapta was glad the yelling had stopped, but she still wasn't in control of her body right now. Hordack sighed. "Can you guys just go?"

Glimmer nodded pushing everyone out, yelling slightly at Catra again.

Once the door was shut he sat in the chair beside her. she would occasionally hit him or herself. He knew better than to touch her, plus it was nothing he couldn't handle.

It was a full 10 minutes and 47 seconds before she calmed down. She sniffling pretty hard, her noose just begun bleeding, she sighed softly and fixed her up. kissing her as gently as he could on the forehead. "what happened?"

Entrapta frowned as she put the paper in his lap. "I'm stupid. I got this stupid thing wrong..and the lights were too bright...and when Bow found me all hell broke loss and its nothing but yelling... I hate it here...I wanna go home,"

Hordack looked at the paper then her. He nodded his head.

life wasn't perfect. its never gonna be perfect with the two of them, but you just gotta work through it...that all you gotta do. 

This was written on a computer so let me know how I did. I really hate the computer for this 

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