I've Always Like That Boy (Glimmer x Bow)

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Glimmer day in bed with her back hunched over her computer. The cute little red glasses resting on her nose were pushed up multiple times.

"Glimmer! Baby! I'm hommmmmeeeeee!!" Bow sang as he walked into their room. "You still working o-"

"Yes. I promised Catra I would make this perfect for them. Their anniversary is coming up and this needs to be done," she looked up at him with a sad smile.

"Ah," He laughed and reached over to shut her computer off. "Sleep is more important than that," he placed the laptop on their end table before laying down and holding her close.

Glimmer signed. Taking her glasses off and putting them off somewhere. She held on to bow and slowly feel asleep. Bow following soon after.

Glimmer could here her mom, her voice very far but still so beautiful. It was like she was there.

"I've always liked him..."

"I Know...Me too mom...me too,"

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