Celeste had learned to keep her cool whenever Malfoy tried to taunt her about being a bloodtraitor- she made sure she wasn't giving him the attention. It seemed to get worse though as his main objective seemed to be messing with her mind- but Celeste had learned how to control her horrid hair- this Malfoy boy won't get past her

"I always thought father might be the one who got rid of Dumbledore" Malfoy says and Celeste could feel his gaze on her "I told you he thinks Dumbledore is the worse ever headmaster- hopefully we get someone to fill in his position. McGonagall won't last a day- she's just filling in"

Celeste sat in the middle of Ron and Harry as Snape went by; he made no comment about the empty seat across her- where Hermione was supposed to be but instead just went over to Malfoy who seemed to try and flatter him.

"Sir why don't you try and fill the spot for headmaster?" Malfoy asks and Snape couldn't help but give a thin-lipped smile

"Now, Now Malfoy, Dumbledore is only being temporarily taken away by the governors- he'd be back soon"

"I'm quite surprised that the Mudbloods haven't packed their bags already" Malfoy says "Bet you 5 galleons the next one dies. Pity it wasn't Granger-"

Ron leaped over to tackle Malfoy as the bell rang but instead Celeste pushed him down so it looked like he was overexcited about the bell and grabbed his bag. Celeste glared at Malfoy before picking up her things.

"What's wrong with you cousin Potter?" Malfoy asked Harry who winced, he did not want to interact with Malfoy, especially not with Ron hanging off of his and Dean's arms.

"Don't worry Dean, I'll take care of Ron" Celeste smiled softly at Dean and the boy nodded, a light pink dusted his cheelks before he gave Celeste a smile and walked away.

The Potter girl took Ron by his arms as he went on like a rabid dog. She didn't seem to see the fuming blonde behind her- he seemed like he was going to explode any minute now.

"Come on- I need to take you all to Herbology" Snape barked and Celeste dragged Ron with her.

"What's wrong with you Potter?!' Malfoy's voice snapped "Cat's got your tongue? Still 12 years old but going around trying to act like that poor excuse of a mother-"

"Malfoy" Snape snapped and the boy flinched- Snape had never gotten mad at Malfoy, even if his cauldron exploded. "We musn't keep the other professors waiting" Snape said through gritted teeth

"I'm going to kill him- I don't need my wand- I'll kill him with my bare hands-umfphj" Celeste covered his mouth as she tried to keep him from getting lose, Harry was picking his things up before they all dragged Ron to the school grounds when they finally let go of him since Malfoy was nowhere to be seen.

The herbology class seemed to be more subdued with Justin and Hermione gone. Celeste stuck with Harry and Ron as they got paired with Ernie Macmillan and his friend, Hannah Abott. Ernie accused Harry for all the attacks but after Hermione was attacked- he realized it couldn't have possibly be Harry Potter. 

"I'm sorry-" Celeste blocked his words out as she and Ron tried to prune the Abyssinian Shrivelfigs. She was looking carefully for dead leaves before Ron almost dropped the plant as he was lifting it up. Celeste shot him a glare and he just smiled slyly at her.

Ernie and Hannah came to their Abyssinian Shrivelfigs and worked with them as well. 

"That Draco Malfoy character" Ernie says while cutting a dead twig "He seems too pleased about this don't you think? I think he might be the heir of Slytherin"

"That's a good observation" Celeste muttered under her breath, only Ron heard it and he snorted in return- they didn't seem so keen on forgiving them like Harry.

𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now