The Notes (Edited)

Start from the beginning

I smile. "Yeah it could be." The two of us walked back to the Gryffindor common room, giggling and laughing about the most random things. 

----------------------------time skip to next week-------------------------

By now, I had gotten 6 more notes. I was absolutely curious to see who it is. I walk into the Gryffindor common room after my last class only to see Ron and Hermione sitting together. Hermione was reading a book while Ron poked her every once in a while to get her attention. When she didn't respond, he wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his head on her lap. "Hermioneee!"

"What Ronald? I'm reading!"

"You give your books more attention than me!" He complained. (Just pretend they're dating in their sixth year)

She sighed and placed a bookmark in her book. Closing it and placing it on a table near the couch, she cuddled into his side. Ron's face lit up with happiness as he grabbed hold of her so she wouldn't go away. "Happy now?" Her voice softened a little. Even Hermione gave up reading to spend time with her boyfriend. 


I turned my gaze to my younger sister and Harry. The two were sitting by the crackling fire as they discussed their last quidditch game. Every so often, Harry would press a kiss into the side of Ginny's head. 

I sigh. There is nothing I want more than to snuggle up with someone and just feel needed. I walk into the girls dormitory thinking that I'd sit on my bed and get started on homework. Wow my life is sad. 

As I sat down on the bed, I noticed a new note on my bed. Hoping it was from my "secret admirer", I open it and read.

(cute nickname)

You must be wondering who I am. Come to the Slytherin--Gryffindor match tomorrow. I'll be playing! (look for a dashing green blur!) After the match, meet me by the boy's locker room. 

Love, your secret admirer

I smile. I was going to the game anyway, so might as well figure out who is giving me these sweet notes. 

---------------------------the next day------------------------

I was watching the game from the stands. It was an exciting match, 25-21, Slytherin up by 4 points. I cheer on the Gryffindor team as we scored another point. 

There was a blur of gold in front of my eyes, then I saw the Slytherin seeker, Malfoy, chase after it. Right on his tail was Harry. The two were gripping their brooms tightly as the sped around the field. They were both neck and neck as Harry dared to let one hand go and try to grasp the snitch. I couldn't see the snitch, but I saw Harry's hand close around it, the golden wings sticking out, revealing that he had caught the snitch!

The Gryffindor side of the stands erupted in loud cheering and whistles. 

------------------------after the game--------------------------

Hermione told me that I should meet whoever is writing these letters, so I was waiting outside the locker room like the note said. After about 10 minutes, there was still no one there. The team had all walked out, yet no one had come up to me saying they were the one. I sigh. Maybe this was all a joke. I turn around, ready to walk back when I felt a gentle tug on my sleeve. I jump a little before making a 180 degree turn, only to be face to face with the Slytherin seeker. Malfoy.

"M-Malfoy?" I ask, not sure if he was the one sending me the notes. "Were you the one writing me notes?"

He nodded. "Why? You hate my family. You pick on my brothers and make fun of our hand-me-down robes!" I exclaim. He was not the person I was expecting to see. 

"I-uh I never hated your family." He started. "I actually was jealous." Draco looked down, embarrassed.

"Jealous?" I ask. "How could you be jealous of us? You can get whatever the bloody hell you want and still not have to worry about anything to do with money!" I must have sounded angry, but I couldn't help it. He made fun of our family because he was jealous?

He winced. "It's just...whenever I want something, it's basically thrown at me. I could get whatever I want whenever I want it. But there's no thought behind anything. I want a new broom for my birthday? Here you go Draco. But everything you and your family get has some sort of thought behind it. I just never get that." 

I felt a little guilty for yelling. I never actually thought Draco could ever feel this way. "I-oh Draco!" I hug him, thinking it was the right thing to do. 

I felt a pair of strong arms hug me back. They made me feel safer than ever. Safer than when I'm with any of my brothers. "And in case you are wondering, yes, I really do like you. I wrote you those notes because I knew you could never like me."

"You have no idea, do you?" I giggle. 

"No idea about what?" A playful smile danced across his face. 

I pull away and grab both his hands, which were resting at his side. "That I like you, dummy!" I say.

"Well, that's a good thing because I like you too." There was a different softness to his voice. Nothing like the Draco Malfoy that always made fun of everyone. I smile and hug him again just so he would wrap his arms around me again. 

"How does Hogsmeade tomorrow sound?" 

"Is it a date?" I tease, earning a soft chuckle out of him.

"Yes. It's a date."

"Then it sounds perfect." I answer, smiling. 

"You know, Draco. You may not have caught the Golden Snitch today, but you sure caught my heart." I say and kiss his cheek and walk off. 

"I'll see you tomorrow at 10. Don't be late!" He called after me.

I couldn't help but smile. "I'll see you then!" 

"Wait, Y/N!" Draco yelled.

"Yeah?" I was confused as to what Draco wanted now.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. I smile.

"Of course!" I say excited. I run back up to him and attacked him in a hug.

"Y/N?" Ron asked. 

I immediately let go of Draco and turn around. "I-Ron I-I can explain!" I exclaim, but he was already walking past me to Draco.

He gripped the collar of Draco's quidditch uniform. "Listen here Malfoy. Break my sister's heart and I won't hesitate to break your face."

Draco laughed nervously. "Don't worry Weasley. I won't be doing that."

Ron relaxed a little and let go of Draco. "Fine. But I'm watching you." There was a dangerous tone in his voice. 

I smile. Hopefully, Ron'll warm up to him soon. 

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