46: The wheels are in motion

Start from the beginning

"It's a scar that can only be done before they reach their wolf form. It was specifically done with something sharp that was hot. Hence, the scar being so prominent"

Namjoon added to which Jin sighed, already guessing where this conversation would head to.

"That means that they would know each other from childhood? And that the same person had done the scars to them? Or that one had given the other the scar?" Hoseok continued on brainstorming with everyone, yet, at that moment, realization hit him. His eyes shot up, almost jumping off his eye sockets and a terrifying chill went down his spine. "Do you think it's him? The one that got away?"

"Not only the one that got away, Hoseok." Jin, finally spoke, his hands supporting his head. "But also, the one that destroyed his life"

The room went quiet, dead silent. Still, inside their minds, each of the boys were debating ideas, sharing thoughts and fears, dreads and anxieties with their own self. They were disturbed, panicking, lost. It was if all of them were waiting for the answer to come falling out of the sky; telling them what to do, what to think. They couldn't help but feel frightened about the future to come. Each of them, had been in contact with Jungkook's new found determination after the attack. Now, more than ever, it seemed like the universe was moving its pieces and course towards creating a catastrophe.

"We need to do something"

Hoseok murmured, grabbing the boy's attention. Namjoon sighed from his place at the table as he grasped his blond hair in frustration.

"There's nothing that we can do. We cannot start a war over a speculation" Jin shouted. "Neither can we go there, the 6 of us, to rescue him!"

"It's Jungkook!" Namjoon screamed at him, hitting his hands on the table. "It's f*cking Jungkook! It's not a random pack member, Jin hyung! We can't let him put himself in a position like this! Jungkook might be strong but that doesn't mean that he's immortal."

"Namjoon, he chose to go there. It's his decision, his consequences. This has nothing to do with the pack. This is only Jungkook's and Jungkook's business only"

Violently, Jin got up from his seat at the table once he was done with his outburst. Calmly, with his hands in his pockets, he walked towards the door, ready to leave. However, Namjoon wasn't going to let him go that easily.

"In case you forgot" Namjoon spoke, his voice low and somber. "You chose to follow him. You chose to fight for him and to care for him. The same way he does to us"

Slowly, Jin turned around. His eyes glowed with anger at Namjoon's bold statement. His face hardened and, from his lips, fell words that would leave the whole group second guessing their decision.

"I chose to follow a strong Alpha. Not a boy obsessed with his revenge" 


For some reason, Jungkook couldn't fall asleep that night. Something kept on bothering him, as if he had somehow forgotten something or as if there was something that he needed to do. His mind continuously drove his thoughts back to that throne and the hands on the wall. The place intrigued and lured him in – in some ways, almost convincing him that he belonged there.

Besides him, curled up against his torso, Hani was sleeping peacefully, which relieved The Alpha's worries. After finding her mother's name there, Hani had been distant the whole day. Too immersed in the memories, in the pain, in the sadness from that day. She, too, was confused like Jungkook. Both wondered how did her mother meet that pack, why and when she left or why, throughout all her life, she had never mentioned it. To Hani, the information just cleared one thing: the reason why her mother had so strongly believed that the tale was all a lie. She knew True Alphas. The tale was nothing more than just another over exaggeration of the birth of a True Alpha.

Jungkook thought about Hani's mother; how much of a mysterious figure she was growing more and more to be. Despite that, something else also occupied his mind. He wondered if she would have liked him. She had met other True Alphas, so, what would she think of Jungkook? Would she find him deserving of the title? Could she share some advices and stories with him?

Deciding that he needed some fresh air, The Alpha slowly disentangled Hani's body from his; she was clutching onto him tightly like a koala does to a tree. Amused at how strongly she refused to let go of him, Jungkook carefully tried to sneak out of her arms. Hani seemed to be complaining at him while still being half asleep. He smiled fondly at her and left a small kiss on her forehead, whispering to her that he would be back in a second.

As soon as the cold air hit his face, Jungkook started walking. He had to go back there again, so that his mind could give him some peace and let him sleep. Following the exact same trail that he had done in the afternoon, Jungkook went behind the waterfall. Luckily for him, the moonlight fell perfectly on that place, lighting it up. Jungkook walked in and immediately went towards the chair. He looked at it up and down, circled it, in search of some sort of answer or clue. At last, he gave up. His mind was so foggy that he forgot where he was sitting on – on that chair that resembled a throne.

It fit him perfectly as if it had been sculpted just for him. Staring at the forest, through the waterfall, Jungkook looked magical. With his bangs faintly covering his eyes, his body lean and tall as he sat on that sturdy throne, his eyes piercing into the distance, the red hand prints around him. The moon casted its light tenderly over her chosen one. The wind stopped blowing, the surrounding nature went quiet, the world stopped spinning – even the waterfall stopped running. Everything that lived in the Universe, had stopped to look at him. At that Alpha, that although was too blind to see, had more greatness and power in his little finger – than the world had in all its immensity. There, sitting on the throne, surrounded by those that had come before him, Jungkook looked huge. Bigger than the True Alphas that had come before him. Bigger than what he thought he could be. Bigger than the Moon Goddess ever expected him to become. That throne was his. It was exactly that what he failed to see.

You see, hidden, at the bottom of the throne, was the drawing of a black wolf. And those eyes that Hani had feared so much, were an exact representation of his. That place was where people had been waiting for him, pledging to follow him by leaving their hands on the wall. At last, he was there. But no pack had lived long enough to welcome him.

The Alpha turned around and his eyes landed on the pair of eyes that were staring into his. He got up and courageously, went towards them. Patiently, he trailed them with his eyes, noticing how they had been re-painted many times before which was odd. For as Jungkook knew, this pack had been gone for many years now. He raised his hands and, gently, he touched the red eyes. The painting was wet. Jungkook retraced his hand and allowed the moonlight to cast its light on the substance in his finger.

Blood and it was still fresh. 

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