Ch. 6: Kiss on the cheek

Start from the beginning

"Get your fashionable hammie ass ready, because now we're leaving. The limo is waiting."

"Wait! I just need to change. I can't have a red top and purple shoes."

"Change the shoes, then! I'm leaving."

"But I was thinking the top..."

"Bye, Mimi. You're gonna miss out on something good. It's Michael Jackson, you know."

"I'm coming!" I yelled, kicking off the purple ones and changing them to the red flats I picked out in the first place. They would definitely be more comfortable anyway.

"Too late," I heard before the door shut with a little bang, and I grabbed my purse and hurried after her. But just as I touched the handle, I turned around and ran back to the coffee table with the bowl of candy.

"You're coming with me," I huffed, and sneaked the whole bag of raspberry candy in between my phone and my lipstick. I almost didn't care that it made my purse look like a balloon. I was prepared for everything. Almost. Then I took a handful of random candy from the bowl, the perfect amount that disabled me from closing my mouth, but kept me from drooling all over the place.

"Okay! Now I'm ready!" I shouted, and ran after Gabby. It sure didn't sound like that. It didn't sound like words at all to be honest, but at least in my head it did. And then we left.

In a cab, not the limo...


The concert was crazy good. The music pulsated through my body, and I screamed the lyrics like all the other fanatics surrounding the stage, all hoping to catch Michael's gaze for a millisecond. I'd smirked so many times to myself that my cheeks hurt, knowing that I was actually meeting him up close and in person in a matter of minutes. And now that we were on our way backstage, my hand hurt as well.

"Stop squeezing my hand, Gabby! Let go!"

I tried to pull out of her grip, but she'd caught me like an eagle. They never let go of their prey until they land, and Gabby wasn't landing any time soon.

"We're gonna meet him, Mimi! Oh, my God! We're gonna meet him!"

"Uhm... Yes? And I thought I was the craziest of us. Calm down, will you? I don't wanna be thrown out because you can't behave."

"I'll behave! I promise!"

"You promised to stay sober too, but guess who failed?" I murmured, pulling her back a little.

"And I don't regret a single drop! It's not everyday I get to taste free Dom Pérignon."

"Because you can't afford anything but the cheap kind, that's why. And can you please stop yelling? My ears are still ringing."

Suddenly Gabby froze, with her eyes locked on the most handsome man to ever have walked on two legs. Legs that were embraced by the sexiest silver buckles and leather straps.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck..." I groaned.

"Now who's freaking out?" Gabby cackled. Then she pulled me toward the man of my dreams.

"I can't do this," I whispered, feeling how a wave of panic paralyzed one body part after the other. Unfortunately for me my brain went first, so Gabby got an easy job dragging me towards the table where he was sitting, signing autographs and taking pictures with other fans that had backstage passes. That didn't make me feel less special, though. And the closer we got, the more determined I was to make an impression he would never forget. Whether the idea was smart or not, was something completely different.

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