Chapter 6

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Masters POV

Her breathing pattern is changing. Shes waking. Good! I took quite alot of blood from her. She is alot smaller than my previous pets and weighs almost nothing. I'm not sure why I even chose her. All the other girls looked much healthier and surely would have made a much more satisfying meal.

She looked lost on that chair. I could see she was suffering. I guess I liked that. I liked that she was in pain. I liked that she was afraid yet,  I sensed a stubbornness inside of her.

I wanted to know if something so timid had fire within to still fight, even though it would be a loosing battle. Yet.. she didn't. I bit forcefully and told her to scream. She did at first then went quiet. She put her arms around me as if to let me know that she was aware she belonged to me.

Good girl!

Or maybe she just gave up. In which case.... how disappointing!

Im not this kind of person. I love my family. I love seeing them happy. I enjoy spending time with them. We often drink from animals or donations. My family kept peace with others and believed that humans deserved life as much as we did.

But when it came to a pretty face, my blood lust just takes over. It's a part of me that doesnt even exist until I'm alone with a human girl. I always chose the attractive ones. And this one definitely wasn't lacking in that department.

My father allowed us to keep pets as long as we treated them well. If he ever found out about my monstrous behavior I'm sure it wouldn't end well. But I haven't lived at home for a few years now thank goodness. So this is my secret. I thrive on it. It turns me on.

I need it.

I can hear her climbing out of the bed. She seems nervous. I can hear her heart rate quickening. Shes wondering if I'm asleep. I'll let her think that for the moment.

I could hear her walking over to the mirror. I'm sure she wants to see where I had marked her. But there's nothing there. I always clean up after my feed. Most humans dont know that our fangs have a healing serum that we can inject if we choose to do so. I made sure to apply just enough so that the bruise would still be visible. I needed her to know that she is mine now.

"Hmmm" I moaned. It seems to have caught her attention. I want her to come closer. I want to hear her heart racing. It's too soon to feed on her again though. As much as I love the sweet redness that runs within her vains, shes in no state yet. She needs to eat and regain her strength if we are going to continue.

Shes just staring at me. But her pulse is steady. Shes calm. Strange!

Shit! This page is still wet. I can feel it on my cheek. Maybe she won't notice..

It's all her fault. I could feel her stupid dream in her unconscious state. Why did I choose to suddenly feel that emotion with her? I never let myself get into my pets feelings before.


Shes leaning in closer. That's right sweetheart.. take a good want some more? Did you secretly enjoy that? I can do so much more! This can be very interesting.

I can smell the floral scent mixed with that of her blood on her skin. Shit.. I want more! But it would kill her this time. No! Not now! Not yet at least.

The scent is intoxicating. I can feel a tightening in my groin area. Why did this type of thing turn me on so damn much. This is my drug. I crave it.

But for now I need to calm myself down. I have to remember that she is also a person.

I usually tire of these games sooner or later and erase my pets memories. They then take on some or other work position in the manor or end up back at the Keep.

I slowly opened my eyes....

"Ahh..." she gasped. "I..uh..sorry."

She looked down towards the floor as her nerves got the better of her.

"What's your name?" I asked as I saw her face turn bright pink.

"My... name?" she responded " Uh.. its Elizabeth.. What's your name?"

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